@rouver2345 and i played the other day so I wanted to make some art for them ^^ hehe
we went on a lil diving expedition, (albiet i messed up a fuck ton) and it was pretty fun !!
i’ve realized i should stop avoiding sea charts ahaha….
PS. i know i drew some details wrong on Ruby so i apologize
Cool art! And seems like you had a ton of fun. underwater treasure hunting seems like fun, but i’m also kinda new to it.
I didn’t even know shark-repel was a thing :o
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you can brew it with shark fins i’m pretty sure ^^
hmm i see ty ty
it’s time for my knight file to shine with shark killing
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every time I do sea chart i just go into the water, wait for sharks, kill the sharks, chug my waterbreathing potion and revealing potion and it worked pretty well
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that’s the same thing i’ve been doing omg 
Yooo I really love how you rendered the underwater vibe. It feels cool and calming alongside the glows of Jellyfish. I don’t know how to explain it 
Ruby being the most well prepared friend too 
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yo is this me or something, anyway good art
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(even though i was with ichix, so that was why i was afk …im sorry)
(compete sentence)
Why is Ruby suffering of Insanity 5

Great art, never seen your drawings before, theyre pretty damn good
i wasn’t sure what their eye colour was so i stuck with red 

AAAAHHH no problem !! i’m glad you like it hgnnn sjsvsusjsv
i look forward to playing with u again : D
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very cool, i like it, looks pretty nice when there isnt an obolus just around the corner
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