It seems we are kinda off-schedule from my series, but who cares, really?
I’ll suppose i’ll post something PHIGHTING related the next time.
Okay, let’s get started:
MechaCubes is a tower defense game inspired from Bloons Tower Defense 5, yes, That tower defense game, and ngl…they did a phenomenal job at inspiring, by making bloons cubes…and towers…well…real towers, not monkeys.
Sadly, just like some of the Underrated Games i showcase, they either develop off-platform or are no longer developed/closed due to creators going to universities, or because the game’s jut dead.
Such examples i can think out of the spot are Evasion Sequence II and Simple Wars II, which might be closed by the developer of both soon, as i’ve talked with them in-person while goofing around in Simple Wars II, pretty nice guy, finally a dev that isn’t a brick wall, no offense, but thanks to them, i was able to find a server full of underrated games, and that’s where i get some of my content for this series from.
But let’s get back to the topic, the game offers many features, such as two upgrade paths, which are pretty unique from eachother (just like in Tower Blitz), perks, which offer small stat boosts, but of course…are locked behind grinding orbs, the game’s crate system, and Research, which allows you to upgrade a specific tower’s stat on All Towers, due to the game running on a 30 fps system…getting too high attack speed research breaks the tower and slows down it’s attack speed…
Let’s talk about the features in detail:
Pierce System
This is the only game that i know of that has BTD5’s pierce system done in a pretty phenomenal way, you could call both systems of both games equals, i suppose.Due to the large hordes of cubes (especially the notorious BTD5/BTD6 round 63 being replicated in this game.), the dev of the game made a pierce system for all towers, which have varying amounts of pierce.
Towers with extremely high pierce, or sometimes even infinite pierce are pretty useful in late-game, because at that point…more than hundreds of cubes are spawned onto the track, which can lag the game sometimes, but these towers allow you to survive for much longer thanks to their extreme pierce numbers.
Pierce can be upgraded via perks.
Game Speed System
The game has a changeable game speed system!? yes, i was also suprised when i first saw it, but you can change the game speed between four modes:
-Pause:Literally pauses the game to 0x speed, basically stops the game, allowing you to go afk and then come back later.
-Normal Speed:Self-Explanatory.
-Double Speed:Doubles the speed of basically everything, including cubes, which might make it disadvantegous to do sometimes, unless your defense is already cracked.
-Triple Speed:Triples the speed of everything, including cubes, be aware that this game speed mode may be laggy when you get into late-game, would recommend to slow down when you get to the late-game waves.
Research UI
The Research UI allows you to upgrade a specific stat of all towers, albeit at a hefty cost, in exchange, it makes the game overall easier.
A Expert Mecha Cubes player’s advice:Do not upgrade attack speed past the second tier, it breaks the tower and makes it slow down, unless Tunicus fixed the tick speed issue, but i assume that they didn’t.
the Best thing to focus on on the research tree for the first time is discount research, because it discounts all upgrades of all towers, up to 20% discount at max tier, discount stacks with perks, which makes it much easier to set up an economy in the later game.
And without discount research…i am not even sure if the harder difficulties of the game are possible.
Match Difficulty settings.
There are four difficulties you can set a match to (only applies to the regular game, not PVP games.)
Note:While i took this screenshot…i realized that the cuts in the triangle resemble the first letter of a difficulty…my idiocy knows no limits.
but anyways…As you can see…Hard and Impossible mode are Brutal, like i am not even kidding, i had many close calls trying to beat impossible the first time i tried it, and it was painful…
Another advice from me:As a beginner…you should only stick to Easy and Normal Mode, best map for that? the Expert Map Tunicity! ironically…it’s difficulty rating is misleading, it’s pretty easy, even though it has two lanes.
After you unlock Super Blast, try Hard mode, if you maxed discount research and unlocked all towers…try Impossible mode, trust me, impossible mode will keep you at your toes 24/7, you just can’t get distracted playing impossible mode…oh and…did i mention that you cannot pause in difficulties past Easy? Ironically reminds me of Lobotomy Corporation.
Oh and…what’s even worse is that The game speed gets faster and faster the higher the difficulty, up to 2x speed on Impossible, and you lose access to previous ones, to my knowledge.
Cube Types (technically Mecha Cubes spoilers?)
There are various Cube Types which make the game much harder and more strategic, and introduces a powerful new type of Cubes… Let’s talk about them:
-Steel Cubes:Basically BTD’s Leads in a way.Can only be damaged by specific upgrades, a tower such as a 2-X flamethrower is the earliest way you can achieve Steel breaking Power.
-Camo:Can only be detected by specific upgrades, one way to give radius-based Camo Detection is with the Bolt Factory’s 4-X path, or Orbital Blaster’s 0-4 path, paired with Orbital Blaster’s unique 0-4 exclusive perk…called Satellite Spirit…you can get more camo detection than without the perk, which additionally outclasses Bolt Factory’s 4-X Path’s Camo Detection radius.
-Regrow:I gotta say this…they are unironically pathetic compared to BTD5/BTD6’s Regrows, might be because of the mid-game power spike you get after buying a tier 4, who knows.
They basically regrow a lost layer every few seconds, nothing special.
-Mecha:The Behemoths of the Cubes, which have alot of health and take a while to destroy.Some upgrade paths of towers are anti-Mecha paths that turn Mechas into a joke, well…most of them.
Perk System
Probably the coolest feature in the game, after realizing that there are Tower Exclusive Perks which glowup a tower and technically act as a tower’s tier 5.
Each tower has 4 perk slots, which you have to purchase each one of them for a hefty sum of cash, but the grind will be worth it in the end.
There are perks that you could sort them into categories, let’s talk about them:
-Range Perks:Basically Perks that can enchance the range of a tower, however…Getting a tower’s range too high might sometimes break a tower.The best Range perk gives 30% increased range.
-Firerate Perks:Perks that enchance the firerate of a tower, the best Firerate perk gives 20% increased firerate.
-Discount Perks:Perks that discount all upgrades of a specific tower, stacks with research.The best discount Perk gives 20% cost reduction.
-Pierce Perks:Perks that increase pierce, not by alot though, just to not make certain towers too OP.the Best pierce perk gives +2 pierce.
-Explosion Radius Perks:Perks that increase explosion radius, only a specific amount of towers have explosions, and sometimes it’s not recommended to use explosion radius perks on certain towers due to certain towers’s gigantic explosions.The best Explosion Radius perk makes all explosions of a specific tower by 25%.
-Explosion Pierce Perks:Yes, even explosions have limited pierce.Explosion Pierce is sometimes a must-have for certain explosive towers.The Best Explosion pierce perk increases a explosion’s pierce by 35%.
And now…probably the best part of perks…Tower Exclusive Perks, which usually greatly empower a specific tower, spoilers ahead for this one:
-Tough Blast:Doubles the damage of Laser Blast, increases the damage of Super Blast by 50%, must have for both of them mentioned.
-Plasma Cannon:This perk…makes a garbage tower to a slightly usable tower…makes X-4 Catapult a cannon, makes it shoot straight and have infinite pierce.
-Boom Baby:Not sure what this perk does, because i haven’t obtained it myself…but it increases damage and explosion radius of 4-X Catapult, at the cost of reduced attack speed, but it isn’t a big deal when you have nuclear-bomb sized explosions.
-Inferno Trail:Requires Flamethrower to be 4-2 for the perk to work…turns Flamethrower’s long range flame blast into a even longer, more deadly blast that instantly vaporizes the strongest of Non-Mechas in less than one second of contact, and deals around 50 DPS to Mechas.Seriously, this thing’s slept on, and visually…it’s a Chef’s Kiss.
-Toxic Spewer:Requires the Flamethrower tower to be atleast 2-3 for it to work.Makes Flamethrower’s DOT path a complete different beast, instantly vaporizing non-mechas, dealing easily with stragglers that try to escape your defenses, while also being not that bad against Mechas.
-Spectrum Blaster:A Upgrade to 4-X’s Deathray Path.Grants greatly increased damage and a rainbow beam that cycles between the colors of the rainbow, great for mid-game, but falls off late-game.
-Satellite Spirit:Increases the Radius of Orbital Blaster’s X-4’s Satellite Path, granting even larger camo detection radius, outclassing the likes of Bolt Factory’s Camo Detection.
-Lightning’s Wrath:Increases the Damage of Electro’s lightning and doubles the chance of lightning chains, stacks with it’s real glowup perk.
-Red Dead Redeemer:Electro’s X-4 glowup, turning it into such a powerful beast at crowd control and Mecha damage to the point that it could temporaily substitute Super Blast, pair it with Lightning’s Wrath perk for maximum Damage.Also is an obvious Red Dead Redemption reference with it’s name.
-MLG Quickscoper:A Memetic Nostalgia Truck, a 4-X or X-4 Scaredy Sniper that has turned into a quickscoper with tripled attack speed and increased damage, use Scaredy Sniper’s 4-X Panic Mode to turn it into a mini-gun in terms of attack speed.
I’ll suppose that’s most of MechaCubes, hope you’ll enjoy the game like i did: