Here is a sequel to my Underrated Roblox Games series, today we have:PHIGHTING, well…it’s technically underrated, but it seems to gain up some attention on youtube, so that’s why i’d like to mention it here.
PHIGHTING is a team-based fighting game, with many classes, gamemodes, events and Lore, which has been expanded upon post-Posessed vs Bitten Phestival, but we’ll gonna talk about that later.
In this game, you have characters called Phighters, which are categorized into Melee, ranged and Support, each with their silly unique personality and unique playstyles that you can take on, there are alot of choices, but some Phighters have lower or higher skill ceilings, so it’s best to keep that in mind:
The Full Phighters List:
-Sword, a pretty versatile Phighter, offering basic tanking capabilities, his Phinisher (aka Ultimate) makes him throw a exploding sword, which deals 100 damage in it’s center.
-Skateboard, who has to be a Phighter with the biggest skill ceiling, not even the next Phighter can top him.A Very Fast, but fragile Phighter when out of your skateboard, making you a sitting duck without it, uses the ability of tricks to deal small amounts of damage.
-Biograft, My pitbull looks different today .A killer machine made by Blackrock (will explain factions later), which…like i just hinted…has a pitbull-like style, where your main targets is to prioritize squishy Phighters, healers, supports etc.Attacking enemies grants heat, which makes you attack faster, dealing rapid damage, but at max heat…you case a explosion that damages things around you, requiring you to juggle heat.Known for his famous/infamous Echo Execution, capable of insta-killing targets if you know what you are doing, if you master Biograft, you basically don’t need your team’s help at this point.
-Katana, Braindead class, please nerf.An Old Man, who, back then was the tankiest Phighter out there, until Banhammer took the role (more of him later), due to his braindead combo of Q + M1 20 times mid-air, repeat for each target, this Phighter can get boring, but he deals ridiculous damage for his standards, why is that? it’s because of his annoying Looming Misfortune passive, which makes slow Phighters like Sword and Banhammer sitting ducks, overall a pretty powerful passive, but it’s too easy to proc compared to other Phighters’s passives.
-Banhammer, very silly.One of my favorite Phighters, both lore-wise and playstyle-wise, and what is his playstyle you ask? He can’t regenerate shield, but he gains shield when attacking enemies with his moves because of his Oathbound passive, his playstyle mainly revolves on constantly attacking targets to recover shield, thanks to his leap move, he can chase most Phighters and get them to his grasp, the more enemies he attacks, the more shield he regenerates, making him nigh-invincible during certain situations.
-Rocket:A Pretty versatile ranger, with decent AOE rockets and having high DPS, that is if you know how to aim well, because i admit…i don’t.Pretty straightforward to use, just like Sword.
-Slingshot:I have no joke for this one.His Homing projectiles require you not to aim much, with pretty powerful damage, as if i was hit with a fricking ram holy crap, with exceptional mobility and exceptional flexibility.
-Hyperlaser:Meet the Sniper.Like i just hinted with this joke, Hyperlaser is mainly a sniper, which means you:
1.Get into a comfortable place
2.Spam M1 aka shooting
3.Run when you have to, you have a mobility move after all.
Due to him being a pure-blooded sniper, he also has access to insta-kills, which can make him unpredictable if you didn’t pay attention to his Phinisher voiceline (there isn’t voice acting in the game, they are called voice lines i suppose).
-Shuriken:Meet the Spy.Shuriken isn’t designed to fight by himself most of the time, but instead is meant to distract his opponents, while also inflict anti-heal, which makes all healing useless while you have it active.His Phinisher deals rapid damage, which can mortally wound tanks if you aren’t careful, and probably shred through everyone else.
-Medkit:Like his name says, he is a Medic, he can reliably heal shield or health to his allies, what makes him capable of combat and even more reliable healing are headshots, which doubles all damage dealt to the enemy, while doubling healing an ally gets.His Phinisher allows you ressurect fallen allies, just be careful…the activation animation is quite long.
-BoomBox:Boombox is like Medkit, but specializes more into giving a ridiculous amount of shields with his Phinisher and with his attacks to allies, his metronome mechanic requires you to time your hits perfectly into the middle to buff yourself and allies nearby, and increase amount of shield you give to allies.His Phinisher gives alot of shield temporaily, allowing your allies to become nigh-invincible temporaily.
-SubSpace:Dosen’t deal alot of damage by himself, but that’s migitated with his powerful poison and the infliction of Vulnerable, Vulnerable increases the damage taken of enemies greatly, while poison…poisons, and it does that pretty rapidly, while also having powerful mobility and defensive capablities from attackers, making him pretty flexible in many situations.His Phinisher looks deadly, but is easily avoidable by not getting close to it, keep that in mind when fighting a subspace main.
-VineStaff:Women are canon to PHIGHTING lore now.From her Phighting Selection menu ability description…it is quite aneurysm-inducing, but she’s pretty simple to play as, allowing for some decent team-healing, powerful self-sustain and decent self-defense capabilities, she lacks mobility though, so it’s best not to get into the center of battle, unless your team is winning.
That’s basically all about Phighters, let’s talk about Phestivals:
-In-game Phestivals, Inspired from Splatoon’s Splatfests, are events held every major Update, where two selected teams compete to earn rewards, both teams getting bux rewards at the end of the events, while the winning side get’s a skin at the end of the event.Don’t worry, the winning reward skin can be bough after the event ends.
A Team’s Score is calculated with these factors:
-Popularity (how many people selected this team)
-Open Winrate (Regular Servers winrate)
-Pro Winrate (Winrate in pro servers, unlockable at level 100+)
-Open Kill/Death ratio (self-explanatory)
-Pro Kill/Death Ratio (same thing as above, but for Pro Servers.)
There are also many maps in-game, but i am not gonna go through all of them, i’ll let you explore them all in due-time, let’s talk about Gamemodes:
-Annihilation:Basically…the team that get’s the most kills, wins.
-Capture:Basically Capturing the central point of a map for as long as you can.The team that captured the longest wins.
-Escort:An unfinished gamemode that can be played in Private Servers, inspired from Team Fortress 2’s Payload gamemode.
-BoomBall:Phestival-exclusive gamemode, everyone is turned into boombox, and in this gamemode…you have to score the most goals with the Boomball, In this gamemode, Boombox’s Metronome mechanic is disabled, allowing you to spam click to attack.
-13x Bux Games, 66.6x Games:Rare events in-game that multiply the bux amount by the amount specificed, the intro jingle is different depending on which bux multiplier game you’ve encountered.This gamemode usually comes with annoying sword events, which i won’t talk much about, it’s chaotic, trust me.
There are also 4 Factions in-game:
-Blackrock, a technologically advanced metropolis with frosty mountains, Biograft, Hyperlaser and Subspace are in this faction.
-Lost Temple, a desert region.Sword and Medkit are in this faction.
-Playground, a playground-like jungle. Skateboard, Boombox are in this faction, Rocket formerly being in this faction, too.
-Thieves’s Den, a grassy cliff region.Slingshot, Katana, Shuriken and Vine Staff are in this faction.
That’s all i’ll say i suppose, there is the extensive Lore that i would recommend getting yourself into, trust me, it’s fun , there are more features in this game that weren’t covered here btw, just so you can play this yourself.
Game Link: