Underrated Roblox games

Hey this is kinda like a part 2 to my last post where I asked “what are good Roblox games you are currently playing?”
Anyways I decided to list off and summarize a bunch of my favorite Roblox games that you guys might not have heard of and maybe give them a shot! And to also help the wait for Arcane odyssey to come out .-.

All these games are free btw no robux needed! but they might have game passes and stuff

And one more thing even though the title says “Underrated games” some of them may not be underrated per say it’s just more of a blanket term really anyways lets go!

Entry point-A first person FPS where you create your own operator (with some sick shades :sunglasses:) and do operations like robbing a bank or infiltrating into black sites. Wanna be stealthy or go in guns blazing? no problem! most missions let you do both however you please! What’s even better is you can make your operator even better with stealth or loud by leveling up and spending skill points to unlock certain perks to give your operator the edge.
This game can get quite challenging too as there’s different difficulty options from rookie to legend.
Did I mention you can play with friends? up to 4 people can team up or you can go solo if you want.
There’s also so many extra modes and other neat stuff in the game too and it has its own story.
Definitely give this one a shot. :gun:

Adventure forward 2 Restored-A fun platformer adventure game filled with tons of levels to explore in. In each world you will find a point who will offer their symbol to you if you can beat their course challenge which is a test of your platforming skills. These symbols unlock more of the hub world too letting you do even more levels and eventually reaching the top of the hub world to face your final challenge.
Along with that are bonus levels! shorter but still fun and challenging levels you can do whenever you want! Though I recommend completing the main story first before you tackle these levels.
Want just a good time playing through some fun platforming levels? play this game! :star2:

Vampire hunters 3-Theres a Vampire among us…A multiplayer game that’s similar to murder mystery but with more customization and personality. Each round there is survivors ,A hunter and a vampire hiding among them. The vampire can transform at will increasing their health and letting them do crazy attacks! Everyone has to work together if they wanna slay the vampire! Humans win if they slay the vampire or if the time runs out. The vampire wins if they can kill all the humans. Now unlike murder mystery where if your a survivor you cant really do much except tell the detective who the murderer is. In vampire hunters your character comes equipped with two gadgets and a perk. Gadgets are items that can help you survive the night if your a survivor or help you with killing the humans if your a vampire like having a knife to defend yourself with or putting up a portable camera to keep a eye on things. Perks can offer benefits like increased health or more sprint speed nothing major but better then nothing. The vampire however also has a ability type and each type lets you use two ability’s. There’s a wide variety of vampire types out there see which one fits your playstyle!
Love short paced multiplayer games? try out this game! :bat:

Wow that was way longer then my other posts…I had a blast writing this tbh just getting to share my experiences for some of my favorite Roblox games is pretty solid.
Id definitely be down to do a part two of this as there are way more then just these three games that I like I just got a bit tired near the end.
Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom btw and have a good day! :slight_smile:

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I only play Shadow War, don’t do actual missions :nod:

lego payday with EVEN BETTER music

how dare you

Dawn of Aurora

Good game, was popular now it kind of died a bit

Yeah, it’s honestly well made idk why it’s so low now in playercount

Eclipsis at it’s prime was actually kick-ass

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D: shadow was is great but your missing out bro

That’s actually one of my favourites too!
I fell off of it really bad tho I’ll try to get back into it eventually…

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Yea it’s really well made sad that not many people play it :frowning:

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Vampire Hunters 3


i’ve been playing the game since beta and pre release honestly doesnt give the same vibes beta gave before

Also the game is so stale now for me

Uuuh suggestion?

Project: Gaming
Basically roblox smash bros but it haves its own characters and stuff

r a c c o o n

They are not joking
that’s the actual description to the game

it wasnt like that back in beta though

have you heard of stars align

I remember playing this game for a solid 2 weeks every day with games that would take like 6 hours at a time, and games that would take like 10 minutes cause our team got nukes so early on. Fun ass game.

Who the sam hell plays Shadow War?

Shadow war is superior

I had to make the refrence :stuck_out_tongue: