Underwater content

Underwater content
effort 3.555555555555555 9 quality 3.666666666666667 9 reasonability 4.0 10

you know have you gone underwater into a diving spot and wanted more to do and to see well i have a quick suggestion that i hope you like i will be stating some underwater biomes,structures,and more that i personally would be key to a better underwater adventure because the underwater is BLAND AND BORING!!!

coral reefs:
you know a classic coral reef (with magic coral that when broken can become potion material for underwater breathing potions) with colorful fish and sunken treasure along with dangerous underwater bosses(possibly) and an abundance of sealed chests

Abandoned sunken cities:
an abundance of sunken buildings that have been worn down buy the pressure of water
can contain
regular chests
potion items

water currents
you know just somefast moving water that carries strong pressure that can deal damage and or can push the player far distances

seaweed forests
a variety of seaweed that has grown at the sea floor and has sunken ships tangled in its vines!

underwater caves
you know just some underwater caves that contain sealed chests and regular chests

new enemys
you know under water enemies havent really gotten much though and i feel like i could help with that so here are some that i think would be cool

magic imbued sharks(probably more fit for dark sea exploration
angler fish
giant squids

you know just some basic enemies

under water bosses

you know obublu or what ever its name is and white eyes/giant white eyes
we only have 2 types of under water bosses compared to the abundance of bosses we have on land so here are some underwater based creatures i feel like would fit for the underwater aspect of adventure(mostly just boat pve bosses since heat-based magics have disadvantage compared to cold based magics and other classes)

giant variations of fish that become hostile because of magic toxifcation( basically giant fightable fish you can get from fishing)

atlantean bosses(that arent level 1000+)
you know?

my reason for this is probably what alot of people think
under water exploration is too BORING BLAND ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS compared to the exploration aspects of on land would you agree?

i will also expand on these suggestions on seperate suggestions so i can explain more in detail


this is what I thought they added when it said underwater update

Water currents is the best idea here (I don’t think anyone wants to fight more annoying sharks, especially when half the magics can’t even fight them)

Good ideas, but they need to be expanded on individually.

I’ve actually been brewing an idea for dark sea diving locations that will probably be written under the assumption of a water poisoning rework.

Sharks white eyes and obulu (what ever its called) also poision jawsare quite litteraly the ONLY underwater creatures that are fightable (besides atlanteans but they are onlu found land ingame) we need more variety

the currents are pretty cool, could be both used as hazards and quick movement depending on how they are placed
the rest id say its not really ideas that are missing, its mostly time

Good ideas but something I’d like to add:

half of this would be really hard to explore if the underwater ambient lighting isn’t increased. Personally I don’t think blindly stumbling around looking for spots indicated by revealing potion is “fun gameplay” and I don’t know why that’s the status quo.

Expand on the ideas!!

Honestly I kinda wish the underwater enemies weren’t all seemingly just sharks but different, but something I’d REALLY like is stuff like the original planned white eyes drop of a white eye, which acted as a lantern

oh also uh
dont make grouped suggestions
its completely pointless, prevents developping each point too much until its a pain to read and a single bad suggestion compromises the entire group as people wont vote

I just got suggestor today!!! I can try to make my suggestions less of a conjumbledwhachamacalit tho

I have pretty cool ideas but im new to suggesting so some suggestions on how to improve my suggestions so i can keep suggesting suggestions would be nice!

I think that the new enemies could be the Poseidon’s folk who made the Sunken armor sets, they should wield a weaker version of the sunken warrior set that rarely drops.

omg yes nothing is more annoying than goofy diving spots, they only give you chests and mabye you lose a limb to a shark or something :smiley:
good job water, 5 stars

good ideas !! though u should probably expand on them like that other guy said


i mean i can tho

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water making water update :open_mouth:

Not every build is usable underwater, so this might have to wait until waterproofing magics gets added.

Another thing I’d also add: Permanent Underwater Structures
These structures would act similarly to regular, temporary underwater structures, except they are in every server at the same locations. When these structures are first discovered, they will be permanently unlocked on your map across all servers, just like island locations. Some of them would even have their own “secrets.” Discovering these special underwater structures for the first time also adds to your Underwater Exploration bar.

Some examples:

  • Wreaks of lore-significant ships, which could be used for ghost ships just like in Arcane Adventures/Reborn
  • Domains of special underwater bosses, such as named legendary beasts (e.g. Leviathan)
  • Ancient cities from the time before the events of Arcane, such as Athens
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i feel like it would be a genuinely good idea for that but it would make grinding sealed chest too broken