I’ve noticed there’s some cool weapons in the game that aren’t obtainable yet, mainly looking at Redwake Guards’ Cutlass? and Shura’s katana. I was wondering if there’s any other examples of this and how you think we might get them in the future.
Redwake Sharkfang
As far as I know, it is unobtainable so far. But maybe in a future quest where we have to travel back to Redwake it might be bestowed upon us? Seems like a cutlass type weapon.
Shura's Katana
Shura’s acid imbued katana which might drop if we have to fight him again in the future. It has a different crossguard compared to the normal katana
(Obtainable as of 1.4.1) Bronze Greataxe
Currently still does not drop due to a bug as of update 1.1.2, but should be fixed next update. (Hopefully)
Edward Kenton's Scimitar
Image Credit:@Celeste
Looks like a recolored version of scimitars of storm, possibly the next cutlass upgrade we might get? Something like Nimbus Cutlass or something.
Ambanes' Staff
Possibly an our first look at an arcanium weapon? Looks like it could be used to cast magic if used right. Definitely would have something to do with the dark sea, perhaps where we have to do a quest to solve a big mystery in the Dark sea.
Meng Ozun, Lord Ulcrius, Chief Alfarin's Sword
Credits to @Crystalys & @Rayman_Axel for pointing this one out. Like noober said, this could be a look into how gem socketing would look like? The different recolors/versions of this sword might be different gems being socketing and changing the color of the sword.
These could be possible artisan weapons used by warriors. By crafting the sword and embedding certain jewels into them, they’ll be able to exhibit unique properties. Ozun’s sword might have water like affinities, Ulcrius fire, and Alfarin with possibly wood.
Neviro's Spear
Image credit to @PyroFireFlame
Has a different texture than the usual spear, some people have said it might be a steel or titanium spear, other people have said it’s literally a wooden spear. I think it’s probably a lost weapon that’ll get awakened later down the story. Neviro can finally do something other than get impaled
Prince Revon's Sword
A broad short sword that seems exclusive to Revon. I can imagine this coming back when Prince Revon gets a power up whether in the form of a curse or awakening. Possibly imbued with Aether or apocalypse bringer magic.
General Argos' Cursebane
Image credit @3qu1Noxx
The devourer used by General Argos, this will definitely show up again later on in the story. Though I don’t think it’ll be usable by the player. It could possibly being used as a way to give a curse to one of the main gang after killing a curse user in the later seas.
Caria's Musket
Image credit and discovery @Noober
A musket used by the sailor fist mentor; Caria. It has a slightly more blue-ish tint compared to a normal musket, possibly as it has been soaking in the seawater of the war seas. This could be a possible hint towards either a sunken musket or weapons taking on the characteristics of the player after being imbued with them for a lengthy time like the Trista.
Tullus's and Lord Orgumleidi's Great Axe
Tullus Discovery by @DubiousLittleTyp0, Orgumleidi’s discovery and image credit to @Desti
A thin bladed great axe which seems exclusive to Tullus the mine overseer. This could possibly be a boss drop if we have to fight Tullus in the future as a side or mid boss. I don’t predict it’s stats to be too good though.
Orgumleidi uses a similarly shaped axe made out of bone, which could either be a megaladon tooth or some other material. I don’t see us obtaining this weapon in gameplay unless we have future interactions with Redwake.