Unofficial Class: Shark Summoner

“You’re hunting me??? You fool, you’re in my domain, IM hunting YOU.”

Anyways, found out that bleeding throwable potions can spawn sharks so I tried it out with shark repel and water breathing potion, well guess what, with my 40% increased swimming speed I technically became a shark summoner.

Yeah go on and try to fight them all, I’ll exhaust all your moves with my sharks fool


I got stormcaller to solo them

Just wait til I spawn white eyes

All it takes is 20 arrows

Someone fell victim to my tomfoolery of a prank :sob:

sounds cool, but what are the uniqe skills other the sharks? like different types?

Different stats, normal sharks are pretty easy, for easier understanding, think of them as common zombies that are slow and nothing special

Then above that, we have enhanced sharks or special zombies

Tiger Sharks are fast with a lotta damage
Great White Sharks are tanky with slight speed increase and a lotta damage than tiger sharks
Poison Jaws has the same speed as normal sharks but with poison affinities
Lurkers having fast speed except can drag you down the ocean
Then we have White Eyes, a boss

told you it was easy

It sure is fun


I wish I could spawn white eyes too :sob:

Guess I havent spent enough times with the sharks like you to be able to summon him :pensive:

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Fight them in the water then smh


You’re fighting a bugged white eyes :sob:

Last time i was fighting white eye i survived it’s bite without parrying

you didnt say he cant be bugged

Vetex tries to copy Terraria with summoner class ? :fearful:

how do you make that?

square the fck up btchs, Caria didnt raise a quitter

sharkfin, any kind works

oh cool.