Unorthodox spirit weapon ideas

Unorthodox spirit weapon ideas
effort 4.714285714285714 14 quality 4.615384615384615 13 reasonability 4.846153846153846 13

you could have some fans be spirit weapons blessed by the winds

(but I feel like that’d be just as cool as a normal weapon instead)

however, that’s sort of boring and overdone to be honest, so what if they were filled with the fires of gods instead of wind?


Warfans as a weapon could be pretty interesting, and fit the sameria aesthetic

Could even fall under the light blade category for the sake for skill notes

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not any sort of war fan, just a pair of fans

Only upvoting because of the latter (so my character can become a funny fire gravedigger)


Voting just for the other concepts, but one thing I was thinking the Spirit Weapon blessed by Hephaestus could be a suit of armor that appears when equipped. Maybe with different weapons that you can cycle with, 2 moves each, maybe this spirit weapon could be an exotic or legendary one. (3 weapons = 6 moves; these weapons could have a different element each or properties each)


You know it wouldn’t actually surprise me if the ultimate spirit weapons were just straight up tools/weapons used by the gods themselves that were never intended to reach mortal hands.


When do we get Zeus’ Lightning Bolt? (It’s a weapon made by Hephaestus)
Edit: Never mind, double checked and it’s from a Cyclops.

Just a friendly reminder that Hephaestus is both the god of forge AND the god of fire. So idk if element swap would work…
BUT we have weapons that share strength and weapon stats, so a weapon/vitality set of weapons made by Hephaestus

It could be an armor that is also tied to some other weapons made by Hephaestus, lemme google some examples so I can edit them into this.
Athena’s Spear
Silver Bow and Arrows of Artemis
and a Scepter for Zeus

So there are some options for weapons. They don’t need to be specifically for the other gods, since those weapons can be Spirit Weapons from instead (separate ones).
Hephaestus Spirit Weapon could also just be flaming armor that creates weapons when using a skill.


I could see Hephaestus spirit weapons getting a unique type of spirit imbue related to his skill as a blacksmith with unique stat boosts rather than related to any particular element and said spirit weapons straight up being literally anything he made ever.

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Fair enough, i was just mentioning it cause everyone seems to forget that Hephaestus is also the god of fire…
Even worse, i’ve seen a ton of people thinking Prometheus being the “god of fire” (coff coff abaddon, or the worst offender, Hades, which has nothing to do with flames whatsoever

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Prometheus is a Titan who in real greek mythology has his liver eaten

Its Hestia!!!
Goddess of the hearth!!!
(and Hephaestus, god of the forge)

We must not forget the story where Hestia shows up at somebody’s house and throws their baby into their own hearth (the baby is unharmed)




INTSTRUMENTS TOOO BRO IM TOO HYPE RN T_T. I can’t wait to see waht ao is like 1-2 years form now T_______T

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Yep, punishiment for stealing the fire from Hephaestus’ forge and giving it to the humans

In the AO verse, he gave humanity the magic instead, so i wonder if Prometheus stole the magic from Hecate or if Hephaestus’ forge is now powered by magic… Well, that’s a good topic for discussion

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And to that extent half of the sun deities in greek mythology, but you’re right!! I almost forgot her


  • spiked ring that uses spirit energy to make a barrier around the user (fortified blocking), and it digs its spikes into the user as long as the barrier is held, causing damage over time, but still having a much more superior blocking power.
  • a “spear” whose stick constantly feeds on the player’s spirit energy while attacking, allowing it to be weaponized as a melee weapon, with a skill that allows it to shoot that accumulated spirit energy and shoot it as a more concentrated, smaller spirit blast.
  • a pair of gauntlets that dig into the person’s arms, sacrificing health for bigger and stronger melee attacks.
  • horn that feeds on your spirit energy for loud ass screams, blessed by the rap god himself slim shady
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Ya’ll are forgetting a whole set of potential spirit weapon types that’d be extremely funny:
Strength Spirit Weapons. (juggernaut)
Arcanium Spirit Weapons. (paladin)
Spirit Weapon Weapons. (conventional weapons that are also spirit weapons) (knight)

The word “weapon” is rapidly losing all meaning to me help.

please yes i want a lantern on a staff that we wave around

so basically the uhhh, aether ornament from AA