Unorthodox spirit weapon ideas

Unorthodox spirit weapon ideas
effort 4.714285714285714 14 quality 4.615384615384615 13 reasonability 4.846153846153846 13

Before you nuke me, hear me out.
Here i will NOT be suggesting names, nor will i be suggesting to which god it should be attuned* or what skills it should have.
This post, as most of the posts i’ll make, will be entirely focused on the cosmetic side of things. So shapes, appearances and displays.

Spirit weapons: a conduit to spirit energy

I decided to post about this now, since spirit weapons have just become a thing, in hopes that this could help in its concepting stages.

So, spirit weapons, in concept are conduits to spirit energy. Objects blessed by the gods capable of maintaining this ancient art. I want to push the limits of what the gods could have blessed.

  • A circlet/crown

    Reference/inspiration - Verdant Moon’s virtue halo (not my photo btw)

    This is the most normal one of the bunch. A head ornament blessed by a god, probably used by a royal somewhere, somewhen.
    When activated, the gems on the crown could start glowing, or the circlet could float above the head as a halo, creating a unique look to it.

  • A crystal/shard/Fragment

    Reference/inspiration - Tower of God’s “Thorn”

    Part of a bigger crystal, perhaps the crown jewel of an altar that got desecrated during an invasion or inquisition. A god blessed its shards to be whield by its believers to fight back, for example.
    The shard would float behind the wielder, stagnant behind its back, glowing faintly when activated.

  • A lantern/lamp

    Reference/inspiration - Over The Garden Wall’s “Dark Lantern”

    I know i said i wouldn’t mention any god, but a lamp that uses the soul as fuel could not be blessed by none other than Hades… But go with whatever fist best. A lamp blessed by a god to help guide the way through night and dark.
    The lamp would be held in the off hand, using the main hand to weave rites when active, glowing as if the fire inside was lit. When not in use, it is displayed on the left side, attatched at the hip

  • A fishing rod

    Reference/inspiration - Tower of God’s Hockney’s Lantern

    A tool blessed by a god who listened to the prayers of a young fisherman wishing for a better catch. Funny enough, the original owner never caught a fish with it again.
    When active, it is held in the main hand, rested on the the sholder, as the line falls behind the whielder

Almost forgot
Reason to add, or should i say consider…

Spirit weapons might be the topic of most awe regarding the possible classes. You can see from the dodge reflex, the blast, the charging efect. While magic feels, well, magic… Spirit energy feels ethereal, almost alien. I think the weapons should reflect that nature. Either by being completely mystical, floating besides you and glowing like the crystal, or being a mundane object turned into a powerful weapon like the fishing rod.
The idea is to push the boundaries of what characterises a conduit to spirit energy


New spirit weapons cannot be created, they have to be blessed by the Greek gods as they were made by them

For real? They have to be made by the gods? From the lore it sounds as if any object blessed by the gods can qualify as a spirit weapon…

Either way, that’s besides the point. I’m just flavor texting each idea in order to justify why they would be of such unconventional forms

i miss that game


I want lantern

Give me lantern

(Or maybe like a birdcage that’d be cool too)


A spoon blessed by a glutton god!


That’s such a good idea!!

Cool idea! Building onto it a little, another thing could be something similar to gund-bits. Maybe not flying around, but just things hovering around you and shooting that come together for a special blocking animation


Tower of God mentioned!
Let’s goo, bonus points if there are multiple versions of the thorn / shard spirit weapon that can be combined into one


If i can get a spirit weapon that can float behind me like the thorn i’m already happy


Here are some suggestions of my own!

  • A ring that can project beams of light (based on the magic ring from Howl’s Moving Castle)
  • A set of heavy metal rings that can be used offensively and defensively, likely going to be a Juggernaut-exclusive (based on the iron rings used in martial arts, specifically from Kung Fu Hustle)
  • A gauntlet studded with gemstones that can conjure blasts of spirit energy (based on the Infinity Gauntlet from Marvel)
  • A rake that can directly harm the spirit of your enemies, stealing their health to add to your own (based on the rake weapon used by Zhu Bajie AKA Pigsy from the Journey to the West)
  • A helmet that can temporarily make the wearer invisible, allowing them to use sneak attacks against opponents (based on the Cap/Helm of Invisibility/Hades from Greek mythology)
  • A pair of winged boots that can boost the wearer’s speed immensely, allowing them to use swift kicks and flashing attacks to overwhelm enemies (based on the Winged Sandals of Hermes from Greek mythology)
  • A long metal chain that wraps around the wearer’s arm, which can be used to attack at close range or from afar (inspired by the Blades of Chaos from the God of War series)
  • A metal torch that never goes out, as long as the wearer fuels it with their own spirit energy (based on the Olympic torches from the Olympic events)
  • A stone brick, which can be used to bludgeon your enemies to death (joke)

There are some really good ones here!! We just need to see how “melee” vetex wants the spirit weapons to be later on. Right now its common to assume that they’ll share a range with magic, but that may very well change with the next skills

The potential here is amazing

Yeah anything can become a spirit weapon, it just has to be blessed by one of the gods

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Yall forgot to mention musical instruments.

Didnt Vetex brought that one up on the first QnA? Hopefully he didnt forget them

Apollo be blessing every musical instrument there is lol. Be a bard, bards are cool


Believe it or not, i’m taking instruments for granted here. I consider them to be a given at this point lol

But you’re damn right, i really hope Vetex remember to add damn. It’d be a shame if spirit weapons were just jewelry and walking canes

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One of my ideas for a spirit weapons are based off the truth seeking balls from Naruto and they’d float behind your back and the numbers would vary based on the rarity 3 if rare 6 if exotic and 9 if legendary


I really hope at least some of these ideas get in the game

I want to toot a silly trumpet and kill 10 dubiously innocent people