Unpopular opinion

Grab moves shouldn’t exist, all they do is cause bugs and barely work, and if they do work you’ve basically won the fight. The only good one is snare and brutal rush, and even those two are complete ass and hell to land at low tiers.

A game based around fluid mobility based combat shouldn’t have big stuns like these, all it does is bug out and look bad

Blame balancing(nerfing) team

Actually in this case I’m talking about the

Scuffed animations (they NEVER sync up correctly)
Horrible hitreg (self explanatory)
Combo potential (in a game where that just shouldn’t exist except for fs)
And general weirdness

Not the cone rule

I play iron leg warlock sometimes and yeah the grab has like 5 meters distance even tho I got 150 agility

Done reading, you have my approval


No idea whats the cone rule, I am normal person



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The thing is, grabs in aa were cool, and I feel like vetex wants to be able to do something like that again in the ao style

U got shitty pc performance. Cuz rn grabs work fine and look fine. Upgrade ur pc.

Grabs are fine u guys are smoking rock

Ive had a shitty PC and sometimes servers are actually peak performance for me (some) I think that grab Moves need a rework too due to the fact you can’t really “grab.” Its probably due to hitboxes. My personal opinion, Grabs need a rework, and we are NOT smoking rock my friend.

Vetex, hire an animator to make very cool grab animations!

I don’t understand what you mean by “you can’t really grab”.

Can confirm, grabs work fine

sad savant noises

as a conjurer, it doesn’t get much better till t2 :sob:

i land mine 1 in 3 times (on a pvplayer)

grab moves would be pretty cool if their hitbox wasn’t janky as hell

I use impaling strike and its boring too, even the ones with actual animation never actually line up and sync animations in real pvp

yeah… janky hitbox and animations…
i use my grab for mobility atp and landing it is just a nice bonus