Unveil Unveil Unveil Unveil Unveil

I’ll Test that out then

He liked the post about WoM

Shit, i haven’t played WoM in a while, i’ll search soon

The first mark is somewhere south, could be anywhere
The middle of the mark symbolizes where your heart is, the middle.
Go in the direction of 8 o clock. So where the arrow on a clock points to an 8 go that way
Look around and you should find some sort of sign
The last I’m not sure
This is just what I think it is

hm, i think it has ran out of likes lmao, we know for sure you are the legs, there isn’t a doubt in that

It took back most of it’s likes?

The plot thickens

I am absolutely lost on this riddle so good luck to anyone trying to solve this.

I also got a "hello" spam in messages, and i’m on this list too!

Uh Oh.

yea it did that to everyone who responded to this post in time

I didn’t, which means anyone who did and didn’t get anything is an important part to this

Also why were people like me chosen to be a body part what relevance do I even have

yea i was also thinking about Sweet_Bacon, i’ve never seen him here other than that one post he posted.

Well we do know he exists

But you see the problem is, he hasn’t been online for almost a month

yea, and Yellow has said he is going offline for some time, infact that’s the post L1 commented on.

Want me to message him or something

hmmm, before you do that i have to give you something

dang bruh ;-;


wait were you messaged by it?

why cant i be messaged by it

Hey L1, is possible for you to exist outside the forums