Unveil Unveil Unveil Unveil Unveil

19 different names,
each name mentioned 16 times,

order of names by first mention:
karm, Kxks4478, SavageWind, Robotistics, Level, AnUnamedBoi, macobre, TacoSeries, christmasisshere_95, Dragon, Retribution, NEKOSAIKOU, ThatAsianInTheCorner, Lonesomewolf, lookingforabargain, Skhan2587, Mako, LordOfTheBloxxed, Noober

total mentions, 16 x 19 = 304

Unveil was mentioned 5 times as title

1 Like

i better be in here

same, i got 4529 hellos, plus 1 hello as the title.

when i first did ctrl f it said 4529 (including the title) but i scrolled down and it said 4530 after.

I confused at what is happening here, could someone please inform me cause it looks interesting


Itā€™s like a puzzle, and you donā€™t get any hints.

Interestingā€¦I might be a bit behind, but imma lurk and find some things to try and help, cause I probably missed some crucial info

Scroll up and theres some of the logs and posts he madr

Is this like, your hitlist?

you now know how i feel sometimes :pensive:

Why Is This Man Still Here :fr:

holy crap this is the forum for a lego game not some website you spam cryptic messages into

animie pfp artist says someone else is useless

not even an anime pfp LOLL

fart city

cool :+1:


You just mad cuz your name aint even on the list

hes trying to tell you the wifi password



Your on there