Unveil Unveil Unveil Unveil Unveil

i know

ok im glad im not apart of the hit list.

it’s because i prayed to MEE6 and WAX, our robot overlords.

Yeah the bot seems to be conscious to our replies.

I have no idea what this is, nor do I have the time to properly investigate this, though I will say 16 mentions for each username is interesting. 16 is a multiple of 8 and 8 is how many characters there are in a binary character (which the robot seems to like using). Theres also other character encodings like UTF-16 (each character is 16 bits) which may be related in some way to the decoding of this message, but thats all I got.

i do find it interesting that this looks like it was written sometime during my absence, my name’s not on there which means it was written after i went inactive but before i became active again like 4 days ago,
but Mako is on here, so it’s after he popped in, this shortens it to around November 25th to December 3rd.

OH AND, Iamm’s name is listed as christmasisshere

Is the bot being conscious about our replies related to this as shown by this.

huh, odd

Yeah it seems to send us the message after we reply to a topic; any topic.

I still haven’t gotten a message


romba goo

Huh? This is interesting.

Meta what are you hiding!!!

wait, didnt you know bout the L1 ARG?

this looks like a fucking hitlist
im fucking terrified

The moment this turns into a creepy pasta and each of us die one by one.

Some of us live entire continents apart, it’s gonna be really hard for a killer to get us all

Yeah that was a joke. But true Australia’s security is too damn strict no guns atleast but I can’t have a frickin purple yam (Ube) in the country.

Ube is the worst ice cream flavour

Bruh. I love Ube but I should respect your opinion. I am also referring to various other foods with Ube.