Update: fire magic circle animation


testing to see if transparency works yippe
god that quality is awful


i have yet to figure out how to change the easing style of the fade in

what did you use to make this?

illustrator for drawing, after effects for animating, premiere pro for changing up speeds and exporting (all adobe apps lol)

how do you not go poor from paying monthly adobes

bro doing cargo runs 24/7 lol

my school does it for me

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Black friday sales also help

This is fire, now turn it into a flipbook so you can use it in studio >:3

Have you ever heard of “illegal downloading”?

ayo? in us schools pay for these apps

kid named piracy

i think it would last for 1 seconds at 60 fps lol
id need to optimize it a bit before so it works for spells that have longer startup

“1 seconds”

computer talk

you pay for it?
must suck to be unenlightened