[USEFUL] Boats, structures & chests map

You can also click here to go to my every chest spots map post !

Probably won’t update this one anymore because it’s kinda useless and made this one cause I was bored ^^

So yeah that’s it, I had to rejoin a lot of times to make sure I didnt miss any boat or structure spots, but if I missed anything, contact me on discord or just write it there [SwiSwi#4487]


very helpful and epic

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U left out the secret maze near ironport

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Added, thank you ! :slight_smile:

rlly helpful cmma rlly out there for the game community xd

good job on the map, really helpful to know every spots when farming mini-bosses, can’t wait to see the fully zoomed one !

pretty good map if i do say so myself, good effort put into it

Thanks for the feedbacks, if I can improve something, tell me what :slight_smile:

I’m very amused by the fact that ironport happens to be under threat in the map.

That aside, great work!

Thank you ! Yeah I saw that a lil bit too late x), I will fix when I’ll release the updated version on the next game update ^^

That is actually helpful since I can see the numbers of chests for each area :eyes:

Thank you, I’ll probably work on the chests part for the next update to make it better !

dmed you some areas to add on discord if you want !

Yes, thank you, will add those !

Nice map :sunglasses:

Thank you epik g@m3r ! :kick_scooter:

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Copyright ©2020 by Central Magius Merchant Alliance. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. Use of this image constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions.

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very epic thank you swiswi

Hay I’m working on a Global chest map ( every chest on the map ), so I’ll continue to update this one when I’ll finish it. Global map is 37% done ! :cool:

done with the sequel will post soon