V1.13 infamy changes

the only reason to build is to protect your island from being taken, its still a pvp oriented feature

im not saying i wouldnt mind the ability to make a less pvp oriented clan, but i think currently the way clans function wouldnt really benefit from it because the only incentive to make a clan other than to play with people or just for fun is to compete for the leaderboard

personally i think things like sealed chest infamy are great because they allow you to gain infamy without sweating at pvp, and i do think they shouldnt be nerfed

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Well, how many other people are just in AO for the fishing, diving, treasure hunting etc? Almost everyone only does it because they can get items that will be useful in pvp. If the loser can just run away or decline to pvp then there’s no point

I mean I have a clan that isn’t strictly pvp, but I understand we will never be leaderboard, I don’t even want leaderboard, I just want to feel like I can play in an enviroment where we can engage with whatever content we so choose without being shoelined into PVP.


Oh yeah its PUREEELY PVP.

Surely vetex would neverrrrrr confirm any sort of PVE functionality to building, right…?


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Would it not be beneficial to just not make the clan then and be a discord friend group for AO? People do it for every multiplayer game so why not AO?

You know clans could be amazing if they weren’t strictly PvP. Guilds were more than just people trying to tackle each other, they were all sorts of things.

nuh uh

yuh hu

I want great inagua from black flag, but that will never happen

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Never give up on your dreams.

this shouldnt be locked to clans, thats just a bad idea

i think that should be its own unrelated thing, clan building should be for defense and maybe there should be another, seperate method of building things like this

Clans are like the only thing that makes sense, what other way could you do it besides some solo city simulator in another sea?

Would be cool if a clan had an ‘experience’ to hang out and practice with a similar ‘‘engine’’ to AO, that way it all doesn’t disintegrate on different servers

That’s the reason I’m so uptight about this. There will clearly be functions to engage with clans other then pure pvp, and there SHOULD be. So I just hope in the future that the game throttles back on encouraging people to hunt so intently. Now? Sure its probably not the worst thing in the world.

But in the distant future, this could be a real problem, like you could be gatekept out of these cool ‘bonuses’ from workstations.

Feels wrong though. Why have a base if nobody works there? Not even AI guards.

Just uses Bios statue place.

maybe have them be hireable on certain islands, and you can go to that island and upgrade them as well as collect the fish and stuff theyve caught

That just means there’s finally a reward for being in a clan and being competitive. If those workstation structures require galleons to upgrade, and the upgrade costs don’t scale with clan size, then bigger clans are gonna be able to afford more upgrades because they have bigger banks and more people to draw funds from

Here’s another thing, totally unrelated but more on clan building side:

What’s stopping someone from just building a dozen walls arounds where the bounty npcs spawn? What if someone just wanted to be a real asshole? That would be funny but oh my god, building could get real annoying.

But the trello says “boosts” instead of extra afk fish (which is already planned as an attachment)