Roland clears, all other responses are invalid (because I said so)
Edit: 18 days later?? oops
Roland clears, all other responses are invalid (because I said so)
Edit: 18 days later?? oops
ngl a better matchup would be v1 and an arbiter or two
V1 vs 4 nothing theres and a white night
i think v1 wins against most of the humanoids from pm solely due to the healing factor
funnily enough arglia is the single best matchup possible for v1
the feedbacker would likely have somewhat low dice power if not in a clash
knuckleblaster’s prolly strong either way but not as strong as feedbacker in a clash
Alright but I’ve never played lor so idk what you are talking about, and also why are we immediately assuming we are using lors combat system? Should just straight lore strength work better because of how different the games are
i assumed were doing so because were using a passive from the game to neutralize 70% of v1’s arsenal
(that is if you dont include the techs and weapon combinations)
Well I dunno if said passive is canon but uh
@lucky_303 are we using LoR’s combat, ULTRAKILL’s combat, or just lore strength
the nothing theres would be a challenge due to the red immunity but the only attack that has a chance of hitting is hello, not to mention im sure some of v1’s arsenal counts as non-red damage
WN wouldnt even be a threat since the apostles couldnt reach v1 and the ring-attack only happens once every minute
Yeah, but the ring thing is pale damage. Assuming v1 counts as an agent, it’s not wearing particularly heavy armor so I’d say about 70% hard damage every pulse
Granted, he can heal it somewhat quickly of the nothing theres, but still
nothin sayin v1 couldnt dash through it
live “do not deny me
[on use] stagger all librarians. all librarians other than the patron die at the end of the scene
blunt 66~66”
thats a lot of words
too bad i aint reading them
Actually dashes give v1 complete immunity to damage, there’s nothing saying v1 can’t dash through ANYTHING
if the hitbox of the attack is big enough, then v1 cant dash through it since it’ll run outta dash frames before its outside of the attack
Well yeah but ruina is turn based, so presumably you’d only be taking damage for one frame
Easy GoPro win
v1 is COOKED