who wins
- Version “Nikon” 1
- Roland “Gangnam” Furioso
this is the unfunniest thing i posted and it’s only gonna get worse
who wins
this is the unfunniest thing i posted and it’s only gonna get worse
friendly reminder that V1 can parry, Roland can’t
Roland is locked in turn based combat compared to v1 being able to kill god with spare change in 4 seconds I don’t think there’s really a contest here
how do i make poll results public
never heard of any of these
They both the same person
Just that v1 can destroy the world or somethinf
ok cool i made resutls public but you’re also gonna need to revote lmao
Guns don’t work against competent fixers
also ackshually ultrakill guns are very different from conventional guns
The “competent fixer” when they see me blast a beam of hell energy between 4 coins and into their face:
As much as I love Roland, V1 has been rampaging through hell, battled against archangels and demons and unstoppable war machines, and has destroyed beings that were a threat to all of heaven. We all know who wins.
honestly the biggest thing in v1’s favor is its ability to effortlessly send itself into the stratosphere. like roland may be okay in combat nd 100 hp might not be that much in projmoon numbers but he stands no chance in an open area if v1 decides to hit a UB and never come down
just give roland blue reverb passive and he sweeps
good point, unfortunately blue reverb passive doesn’t do anything to the boatloads of status effects v1 gives him (most notably bleed and burn)
ok but can v1 beat a binahexodia nugget with blue reverb and long arms
there’s always death via electrocution and environmental hazards (also parrying & sharpshooter causes explosions, i’m not sure if there’s any protection against that)
oh, we can’t forget the coins and nukes, those count as mass attacks, right?
roland is ass compared to v1
case in point: ultraricoshot