Valentines Day Gift from Flare| Gift of the Hearts

This is my Gift of the Hearts, what is this? Since it’s Valentine’s Day I would like to give my gift of love to somebody I like here the most (metaphorically) and the one I like the most will achieve riches from Arcane Odyssey, the reward will not be a sunken but worth the wait.

This is of course one of them bias things against but nice to gift.

Type your name in this topic
Maybe if I have a liking to you, might still get a wealthy gift instead of the “Gift of Love”
(If you didn’t get a gift from me and think I don’t like you, don’t think it that way, just not enough communication and stuff ya’know? Unless I have actual problems with you hehe)

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IS THIS REAL??? (sentence)

Very much real, may the one that gets the Gift of Love be grateful of the gift
and those who got picked

Made an account just for this :fire:
user: suteki2

Flare I am going to

me :heart_eyes: ?

It’s going to be @ImaLettuce isn’t it :sob:

I just know it

remember those days? where we played in the sand, and the mud. we used to play in the mud all the time. great friend.

Do we all agree to let Flare execute whoever gets the gift, if that person doesn’t like the gift?

i didnt understand a word you typed im too tired for this

Obviously not gonna be me but OPTICALCORD has entered

merry christmas ho ho ho


sounds cool


my name is flare

im guranteed to be picked, ive only been gone for 4 months
user: dudeinatophat

remember that time when i gave you my lamborghini so you could drive to the hospital to get your kidney replaced, in which i also provided said donor kidney :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

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