Value of 2023 Easter Seasonals?

Yo. Was wondering what the value of 2023 Easter Seasonalls were (Eggs, Helm, Ship Part).
I got a sunken iron helm randomly yesterday and wanna see what I could get for it since I was taking a break during the first easter seasonal event.

you could likely get most the eggs, but halloween seasonals are more likely. also the valk

i don’t think you could reasonably trade si helm for a halloween seasonal. maybe an easter 2023 seasonal but unsure

the eggs arent worth alot, its mostly staff and valk that are good, but staff isnt that good rn cus its new

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Both 2023 and 2024 eggs arent worth much at all while easter valks are in the top 4 most valuable seasonals, only behind headlesses and both halloweds. As for the eastern lanterns, they dont come close to the valk atm.

If you were to compare it to a si (sunken iron) helm then you would prolly be able to get a minimum of 1 of each 2023 egg. As for the easter lanterns, even though they arent that valuable they are also barely ever traded so it would be hard to get them with a si helm and thus you will prolly need to add another si piece. As for the valk, unless you find someone with no idea of trading values it will be impossible to get one for even 3 si helms atm. Maybe that will change with the recent luck party nerfs though

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thank you sir :goat:

bag secured

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