Value of Forceful Sunken Armour Pieces (in terms of Boss Drops)

Forceful Sunken is good for vanity and I don’t want to keep using Bursting Sunken for vanity.

What are the values of Forceful Sunken Pieces in Boss Drops? I don’t know their values too well, all I know is they’re the worst Sunken Pieces.

Around 2 Strong oaths and 5 random good enchant boss items, but then again, it depends on the buyer and seller

like probably 3 strong vast, or 1 strong oath and a couple good enchant boss drops

overpay tbh. I’d say one strong oath for helmet and boots plus some adds, and strong oath plus 1 or 2 good enchant boss drops for forceful chestplate

so lets say like
could i get a chestplate and a booties with a clean helmet?
what else could i get ontop of that?


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