Various Tweaks That Sound Nice

Various Tweaks That Sound Nice
effort 2.666666666666667 3 quality 3.0 2 reasonability 4.666666666666667 3

Get jumped and one shot by a White Eyes and then a cutscene appears that’s like Spandam dragging Robin around but it’s the White Eyes dragging you. He laughs in your face, puts you in prison and leaves. Unskippable and lasts around 4 minutes total of mostly dialogue, and then your prison time starts after.

oh that’s good. it’s just annoying when i spike and jump off my boat and then fall into the water and end up super far from it even after i stop sails.

pretty much :sob: would it look dogshit? yeah, but it’s probably the only way i can play the game on my microwave of a pc.

that’d actually be cool, and good for cosplays to make them accurate too

sorry for late responses it was like, 6 am and i wanted to sleep. just woke up and i’m still tired.

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nah its fine

Turned my Samsung smart fridge into an oven the last time I played AO on it fr

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This is really interesting.

It could help stave off the eventual replayability problem where vetex could just add a few more rare cosmetics to various drops.
Though the problem where having the look you want be locked to grinding/money is kinda sucky.

Others are also great, QoL is never disliked.

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I could not agree more with this I am also left handed and have been looking for a video game that lets you change dominant hands but I have yet to find it.



I’m surprised that this suggestion wasn’t given any attention at all.

we need some lefty representation in our games

Absolutely needed, I’m too broke to upgrade and graphics that don’t turn my laptop to an airfrier (the fans) are preferred

Barbers should accept asset id’s, but I digress.

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