(Very?) [Short Story] A man led by a note. (Probably will have more parts soon)

Atop of a high cliff, hidden from the view of pirates and sea dwellers, was a treasure.
A note, a story, a life. Written on it was long forgotten words.
Words that led to adventure, to a place, to a treasure.
A prize, hidden amongst the harsh waves and strong winds of a cursed sea. A sea of no return.

A man, took the note, led by a spirit of joy knowing a treasure was there, for him.
Embarked on a journey, on his boat, his ship.
Fellow merchants joined in, wanting to see a forbidden sea, a sea of hatred, of pain and delusion.
Night fell upon our adventurers, a very dense, black fog, woke around them.

The vessel tilted, fearful, the men grappled onto whatever they could.
Some of them lived to tell the tale, other fell in a water deeper than a mountain.
Though, it was only their start. The start of a journey, an adventure, a story.


Is this a poem? It’s well written.

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I’m not even sure myself, i’ve just had an idea and decided to write it, i’ve kinda been in that “fantasy” lookin’ writing style. Also thanks!

Ah that style of writing. It’s complex, but good job!

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I don’t even know what style you’re reffering to but thanks!

Me neither, to be honest. But I think I was referring to something like this:

I guess so?