my 400k D:
Best Chest Route : World of Magic: Best Chest Route - YouTube
Loading Path Traveled: World of Magic: Loading Path Traveled - YouTube
Requirements: Full Agility Build
Methodology: Each run will begin in Bronzelands Arena as well as end in Bronzelands Arena. At the end of every run, the player will switch servers to bypass chest respawn timers.
Yield: Approximately 247 chests per 8.5 - 10 minutes. - Approximately 1482 chests per hour. - Potentially up to 1600 chests per hour done perfectly and with great ping.
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Wtf do you exploit or something how the fuck do you have 390k chests opened?
just a fucking no life don’t think too hard about it
yeah but I mean I chest farm a fair amount and I got a tenth of that, that’s just sticking to the best routes for like 400 hours straight.
alrighty then i’m speaking to an actual no lifer well then
uhh tele hacks i guess
Here is the information regarding my chest route.
Best Chest Route : World of Magic: Best Chest Route - YouTube
Loading Path Traveled: World of Magic: Loading Path Traveled - YouTube
Requirements: Full Agility Build
Methodology: Each run will begin in Bronzelands Arena as well as end in Bronzelands Arena. At the end of every run, the player will switch servers to bypass chest respawn timers.
Yield: Approximately 247 chests per 8.5 - 10 minutes. - Approximately 1482 chests per hour. - Potentially up to 1600 chests per hour done perfectly.
i recognise your name i think i own one of your sunkens
August 17, 2023, 8:01pm
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