Vetex games.... (rant)

VetexGames, you little fucker…You made a shit of piece with your trash Arcane. It’s fucking bad, this trash game. I will become back my robux. I hope you will in your next time a cow on a trash farm you sucker.


That’s a funny looking anteater

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me when i get the joke

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bro a dog food ad played on spotify while I was watching this. I was so confused :skull:


don’t you fucking insult vetex you fucker

Don’t insult vetex or make a rant that berates his games. If you do, I will personally come find and kill you, you will go through days of torment before dieing, and you will be buryed alive. You will go missing and no one will ever see you again, nor will anyone catch me. You will be declared dead after 7 years of being missing. Don’t question me, it will happen.

Nah vetex sucks L

Nah vetex sucks L

What the hell is happening here

It seems to be a case of an ironic post.