Vetex has...removed stamina loss from sprinting? 😮

So, apparently, Vetex has decided that sprinting will no longer stage stamina


How do you feel about this change?

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How do you think this will affect PVP in AO?
  • I think this change will positively affect AO PVP
  • I think this change will negatively affect AO PVP
  • I think this change will affect AO PVP in a neutral way

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Honestly, I was quite surprised when I saw this on the recent for AO’s Trello. I feel like this could possibly negatively affect AO PVP, since it’ll probably be easier to escape, but at the same time, it may positively affect AO PVP as you’ll have enough stamina to do other things. I’m also really surprised that it was meant as an immersive feature.

What about you guys? What do you think/feel?

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for pvp
yea you dont have to fucking check stamina to just run. now you can focus on the actual fight

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kinda makes fighting quite unbalanced but ok


No more fights where both of us hunker down I order to gain stamina.

No more me running out is stamina because it drains while standing and casting sometimes just to then have to focus on it specifically and taking too much damage in the process.
So yes, positive change for me.

I like speed and my main way of avoiding dying in combat is dodging so fuck yea we gaming

I am speed

Considering that islands will be not that big and you won’t be able to escape easily from it,
Just spam beams and placed eventually he will die

Soo… Chasing is going to be impossible?

No, escaping will be difficult.

You have to spawn in a boat, then get on it, and sail away, and that gives the opponent enough time to hop onto your boat.

oo. Yeah, that’s actually true. I think I imagined that this would be added to WoM


im just shooketh

very shook

pleasantly surprised


hey there’s nothing else you can do when you’ve got 5 people behind you spamming blasts and Raging Storm and beams

Just dance around them and attack.

cant do that when they’re all spamming

and you’re in the forest

with trees

dancing wont work cuz 100% beams

Occasionally air-stall :man_shrugging:

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Honestly, I never thought i’d see this day but I welcome this change with open arms. Dealing with stamina while running was very annoying.