Argos’ age is currently unknown, it’s also unknown how long non-mages live in the war seas. I might ask tech about that cause I’ve been wondering it for a while
I doubt the magic Argos and non-mages use is primitive/soul magic, but just an application of magic energy that is as efficient as magic circles. (Though vitality classes and spirit weapons are theorized to use soul magic due to the nature of their abilities)
This I’m not sure about, though it’s probably as Sirius said since magic is a real force in the AU and may have played a hand in the creation of humans
I imagine humans were simply a part of the world as any other creature, and everything in the world has some semblance of magic energy in their soul (or a soul is just magic itself). They were the same as they are now, warring and building society. All without being able to use magic.
But once Prometheus taught humans the secrets of magic, they were able manipulate the latent magic inside of them, and grow much more skilled over time.
I also think the reason humans nowadays are much more advanced and powerful is that every subsequent human descendant has kept some of the skill of their ancestors. Whether or not that’s from genetic mutations or just some magic learning soul-storage shenanigans, I don’t know.
But humans in this age can just summon magic circles without being taught, something that didn’t even exist a couple millennia ago, which suggests some sort of internal “storage” for magic techniques, and even different types of magic that didn’t exist.
One of our only ways to guess the lifespan of people in the war seas are the quartermasters. With a higher lifespan we would assume that you would show signs of age much later. However, Enizor is 68 and is pretty clearly and old man. Either you look like that for a long time, the lifespan of people in the war seas is different, or you have to be able to actually cast magic to have an increased lifespan and Enizor can’t. If the latter is true then we can probably guess how old Argos is.
I’d assume we’ll be able to damage them normally, either for the sake of game balance or for some lore reason (otherwise get fucked weapon and fighting style users
edit: just saw that someone already posted basically what I just said
It’s worth mentioning that the Boxing mentor tells you that even non-magic users can eventually use aura without realizing.
Argos just put every last bit of his damn effort into it.
I don’t really believe that people which came from the same continent, have changed that much in lower than in 1000 years. Most likely we didn’t saw someone using auras in Seven seas, just because of the lack of knowledge, maybe there was no such a strong weapon’s users or we just don’t know about them. :\