Every damn class we see in the War Seas is imbuing their magic power for their attack style. How did Argos reached the same results without imbuing any magic power to his attacks?
Magicless people can reach same results and their pure strenght got the same effects as magic power through imbuement?
It was mentioned that every class in the game uses magic power, but differently, imbuing their magic power into their attacks. Thats was made cuz we are most likely going to fight against Curse users in the future which are immune to non-magical attacks.
as far as i’m aware, absolutely everyone has some magic power inside them, there is no entirely magicless person. no matter what attack or who is using it, it has some magic imbued to it.
Magic exists in every single lifeform, even if they can’t use it directly through Magic Circles. If you can’t use Magic Circles, you utilize it in some other way.
Okay so, its the same question as to why Spirit weapons will be able to kill curse users.
And magicless people are just those who cant filter it out with magic circles.
Before there were magic circles, mages used their soul to cast magic, which heavily damaged them, but later on, magic circles technique was inveted, so it was easier to filter out magic from the soul into outside.
Magic energy has always existed in every living thing, but due to how minds work not everyone is capable of using conventional “magic”. In Arcane Adventures non-magic users were typically more grounded in reality when it came to how they fought (usually could only use regular weapons such as guns, cutlasses, etc), in the War Seas the advancement of magic is so far ahead that even non-magic users have learned how to utilize their magic energy in various ways (via things such as aura, imbuement, etc.).
Durza was born and lived over 800 years before the events of AO, around the time where magic minds were just beginning to be discovered. It’s highly likely that not much was known about how magic worked at this time, since before this humans had stopped using magic for hundreds of years and the average person would’ve had much less experience with it.
Argos and AO characters, on the other hand, live in an era and region where much more is known about magic. Due to this, even non-mages have learned ways to fight on equal ground with magic users and potentially even curse users.
It’s not like you can just do it from the day you’re born; it still requires a large amount of training and battle experience. Most regular shopkeepers might not even know how to throw a punch or wield a weapon, much less how to use their magic auras for imbuement. Warren tells us that awakening is something that only powerful fighters go through, so I doubt Quantavious Bingleton from Sailor’s lodge would have the ability to imbue the Lion’s Halberd with iron leg.
This answer makes another questions. Why Argos became that old in his 80+, if he had ability to become stronger which means that his magical aura (imbuement) was growing in strenght, ain’t he should live way longer, if he was so powerful? If he sacrificed his life span due to using magic without magic circles harming his soul, does that means that our MC may die very fast as Argos did, if we don’t go for mage, paladin, conjurer or warlock classes?
ah yes right the fucking warrior will now die at a young age due to using no magic circles on weapon arts
(no magic circles being used is ancient as fuck, why would the war seas intentionally do this LOL)