Vetex needs to give this man a job

How much power her drops got?

JTN do you realize you have the power to make a fake?

isn’t that what i been doing? making stuff with my own characters and then random people saved it and sending in other servers and then the people in servers believe it’s real and goes “omg no waaaaay”

Neat, got any highlights?

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some people want to watch the world burn…

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what the fuck.


why would you even say that


How does her being part of the order give you full rights to do anything with her corpse?
Shrimply donate her body to science, you krill.

i bet you've never held a hoe in your life

guys I was only going to use her as a punching bag why are you being so weird about this :sob: :confused:

yeah sure, okay weirdo

I think you’re the weirdo in this situation, like, what are you thinking I’m going to do to her? it obviously is pretty bad, why is that even a thought in your head? :angry:

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idk why you feel like projecting, just admit you were a fucking weirdo and don’t do it again, it’s that simple, or just don’t do it again and leave the admitting part behind

I literally was just going to keep spamming my moves against her.

why are you being such an asshole.

moderators bro smh

you’re the reason why people have a bad view of the forums

Okay buddy.

I guess the many pedophiles and the people who were legit threatening to dox forum staff or something don’t exist anymore.

bro this guy is so dramatic oh my god :sob: :joy:

also @OLEG happened in case you forgot and he is MUCH worse than me

and ezia (there was an ENTIRE thread that was focused around documenting how fucking horny he was)

and a few others

i don’t really care, i saw you being weird and i called you out for it, people being “worst” then you doesn’t really make you any better

it just means there are people who are even weirder then you