Vetex needs to give this man a job

you had the worst wording ever :skull:

But I didn’t go into specifics :sob:

okay this I can agree with

yeah my wording sucked and I should be more careful next time

Personally I don’t mind you typing stuff like these but pretty sure some others don’t.

I love you man but don’t be surprised over the consequences of your actions, just sayin’

okay yeah I was expecting some backlash from this but i didn’t realize people would react this much

then again as previously stated my wording was… uh… big no no vibes.

Since when do people care so much about whatever someone does with Lego characters in a video game? If it’s uncomfortable, why even take it seriously in the first place about a fictional Lego character instead of real life cases of minors being abused?

bro okay it was a dark joke, let the man beat her corpse or somethin

freedom of speech was a mistake


why would you ever word anything ironically or not like this this reads like you’re posting something on an nsfl forum :skull:

Let it die :sob:

no you must realize the stupidity of your decision to type that out and hit post- there are consequences to your actions

But I already did

no one cares anymore

stop beating a dead horse

That example doesn’t really work. It’s more of a “I’m going to mercilessly pound Revon if he appears in the Nimbus or later seas as an enemy.”
You get what I’m saying?

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Opening this thread and reading the latest comment before anything else was a journey

Yes, it’s stupid, but there should be no consequences for any speech that doesn’t harm people, and a person talking about what to do with a Lego character definitely doesn’t do that but only gives you a weird image of what you don’t or do which doesn’t do anything unless you are very emotionally sensitive to human cruelty to fake imaginary Lego characters.

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The funny and most contradicting thing is if it was a female forumer saying they would do unspeakable things to a male NPC in AO, the imagination of the reader that instead of being the female npc being pounded by a male is instead a female taming a male npc like a dog which will be more accepted.

damn the double standards be wild

That’s leaving out the corpse part, it’d still be as weird since we’d assume the same situation because you can’t tame a corpse.

Sandal didn’t mean to imply it but his implied forced activities/necrophilia because of the corpse part since it’s posted on the forum full of horny weirdos (sexualized sea monsters as evidence)

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bro is onto nothing :skull:

This bait aint shit!

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