Vetex PVP Rant

this has to be satire

You know, I think weekly wiping fame is fair, like Tarkov wipe, players will have the chance to rose through the rank.

Maybe increasing it to monthly?

I don’t see any bad about wiping fame

I know the most I’ve done (that I remember) is dissing on the B-Team when the Attack Speed nerf was suggested, but I still feel like I’m a part of the crowd responsible (namely the ones going ham in general post-rant), and I feel myself going into my sort of panic mode when somebody’s pissed off. I get scared shitless when somebody looks even slightly tilted.

I miiight be more fucked in the head than I thought. Also I’m betting 50K Galleons that Vetcord’s going to go the Daybreak route, i.e. going read-only outside of a few channels like player reports.

At the end of the day it’s just a number with no real value, I don’t see why anyone would have any issues with wiping it

My personal take


tbf, if ur in GN or AS, you get some really cool unique drip for certain leaderboard milestones. the title is meh.

Honestly, I just wished you could use your own drip in place of marine attire

You know, I wish the GN and AS ranking system be PVE instead, like completing missions or something, maybe this only applies to lower ranks and higher ranks need to have a renown requirement.

This is probably a bad idea.



we can agree on water poisoning like just remove it lol nobody likes it


“vetex isnt a small indie dev anymore”

Yeah that’s a true

some of this is valid but i unironically think gels could be an interesting aspect to incorporate to pvp if there was an easier way to get gel catalysts to make them more accessible to everyone (with a bit of rebalancing, obviously. i’m not stupid.)

they’re not going away anytime soon, so you might as well try to fit them into pvp in a way that works imo

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this is the greatest rant of all time

The general roblox PvP scene and its consequence to the wider and niche communities.

The statement about his desire to removing PvP finally answers my question: Is AO’s identity rely on PvE or PvP? And it finally shows. It will remain a story-driven exploration game with PvP as a side thing. Nothing more, nothing else.

I am happy that he is stepping his foot and digging his heels in against these people. If these people want good PvP then they should go to other places other than a game that is focused on exploration and wait it out


So, (what im seeing from this) is to just quit the game then? Nah, I do not think that is the solution. I get I have repeated the arguement like twice by now, but changes happen, silly balancing is temporary and is not the end of the world.

I just wish people were able to keep their negative and demoralising thoughts to themselves. I feel the relations between the community would improve if this were true.

The phrasing is a bit wrong but what I said is not about quitting the game permanently. There is big difference between “Go play another game and wait for something interesting to happen” and “Get the fuck out of this game and never go back”

Really if they think spreading useless complaints and toxic drivel is a good idea to change vetex’s mind, I think they should just quit

I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding, and yes, complaints 24/7 and berating can get to a person’s head.

Pve players do get on lb funnily enough u just hunt npcs tikl u get there. And just keep love gels for when people try to pvp u thats it