Vetex should let people wear the new magic and fighting style gear as vanity

i’m not stopping anyone, i’m just saying why i don’t like it, i won’t hound anyone who does it if this is added, nor will i go to vetex specifically or make a suggestion to remove it if it is

If you start spouting spiteful garbage I’m going to tell you that you’re spouting spiteful garbage.
I don’t care that its your OpInIoN, its spite and I fucking hate spite.

well then quit because its doing nothing except break rules and contribute to arguments. all people in this topic should be doing is spit their opinion and leave, it never should have gone past 50 replies

I’ve seen both of them around the forums since I joined and until recently the both of them have been reasonable logical people.
I don’t know what happened.

having a different opinion than you is not being unreasonable, being unable to accept that people have different opinions than you is being unreasonable


as a sorta neutral party, I do wanna know why you are against the idea of wearing arcanium that isn’t your own

because i don’t see it as painted metal, i see it as the magic itself, and if you want to conjure plasma around yourself then i don’t see why you wouldn’t want to use plasma, you’re asking for extra abilities you don’t have in my eyes

I never said holding a different opinion to me was unreasonable.
Your “opinion” being based entirely in the delusion that the magic colors and icons have some kinda meaning and that its super important and shouldn’t be violated or whatever is unreasonable.



you can call my opinion delusional, but that is just you refusing to accept that we don’t share the same values, let me explain

your values: colour > magic
my values: magic > colour

that is all that this discussion is, people are able to have different thoughts on things

Everybody here, aside from waping who holds no thoughts or opinions of their own as they’ve told me before, believes that your takes here are dogshit.

who the hell cares its opinions
like christ i do not want to see you near a parade you disagree with, itd be a carnage

okay, fair, but how about this as a compromise:

-magic imbued arcanium does permanently change the appearance of armor, but maybe only users of the same magic (or similar, like purple acid users for green acid armor) can actually awaken the bonus that each magic gives.

so you can have glass armor but if you’re an ash mage then it would never do much outside of being some cool vanity you got from a friend

that way it isn’t really granting you unfair powers and you got it through a different mage so it’s more “borrowed” if anything

We’re all already in agreement that it is and should remain solely as vanity.
He just hates even that because the colors have meaning!!!

Sure, I don’t want everyone to have access to glass or poison armor, that’d be stupid!!

“your opinion is different than mine, you’re a stupid idiot”

do you hear yourself? you haven’t matured beyond the age of 6 if this is seriously how you act whenever someone has a different thought than you

please grow up and accept that people don’t always have to agree with you

and do note that i’m not especially trying to be rude here, you’re just showing extreme signs of immaturity here

On one hand, Theoretical is arguing with the prose of an infant after being told they can’t have a chocolate bar at the grocery store counter.

On the other hand, Sock is “doing the exact same thing over and over and over again, expecting change.” Last time I checked, this is the definition of insanity.

Neither are getting anywhere, they’re just making a comically long thread.

edit: aaand theoretical proved my point

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I’m not going to pretend that your cultist ramblings are reasonable.

do you fucking hear yourself?

you called me a cultist, yet i am the one being unreasonable about your side’s opinion? you are singlehandedly devolving this thread into a mass of insults with each one of your replies, this is not a proper discussion anymore

No you’re right I’m done I’m not dealing with this shit.
This discussion ended ages ago, if they can’t see through their own bullshit I shouldn’t make it my job to see through it for them.