Well, I don’t know how thoroughly I have to dissect this stupid point of yours before you realize how much of a dumbass you’ve looked like from the second you stepped into this thread.
For your own sake, stop.
Well, I don’t know how thoroughly I have to dissect this stupid point of yours before you realize how much of a dumbass you’ve looked like from the second you stepped into this thread.
For your own sake, stop.
i do not care, and so long as you keep replying, i will not stop
Your obsession with the magic colors and active deliberate refusal to see things the way other people see them makes you come off as a borderline cultist.
i’m not obsessed with the colour, i’m interested in the magic, you are the one obsessed with colour, refusing to see the items as what they are
to you, i am a cultist, but to me, you are blind
what in the FUCK??
Are you ok?
You do realize that is the EXACT sort of thing some cult zealot would spout, right?
I expect to hear this shit from noble, not you.
I can’t tell if sock is ragebaiting or not
are you? you seem agitated over this when we just don’t see the items the same way, and have at times resorted to insults
i am neither trying to convince nor to bait, i just don’t see the items by their colour, but rather their magic, we just have different values on these two things
I’m calling you a delusional moron right now because that is what I see infront of me.
I am genuinely becoming concerned, before this point, you’ve always come off as a reasonable person but this is fucking insanity.
Is this some kinda test to see how I’d respond to the most dogshit take possible on this topic???
I don’t really see how any of this is a good reason to restrict other player’s vanity, like good for you that you like the immersion of using your own magic, but I don’t see why that should be forced on other players. Is it really gonna ruin your day if someone wearing glass arcanium armor shoots a fireball at you?
i definitely didnt read all the 140 messages since my last one but i still like some exclusivity in vanity even if its for stuff as lame as arcanium gear
you should be proud of your magic, not avoid its appearance like the plague
and yeah of course more vanity options is valid too but you guys are quite literally asking for opinions. there, thats my opinion
I need this how much for it.
If I need to explain what that means to you or what relevance that has to what you just said, don’t bother replying because I’m done arguing with delusional people.
If people want to be proud of how their magic looks then good for them, but I don’t see why people shouldn’t be able to look how they want to either, is that not the whole point of vanity? Immersion is kinda already broken by someone wearing a tropical shirt vanity and then having 500 pounds of armor underneath.
if arcanium variants were literally nothing more than color variants, no particles or logo or anything, i wouldnt even bother replying
itd be too lame to bother fighting for or against
but as it stands i dont want to see some lightning hobo with my wind logo even if i hate its color theme. also i hate trading so giving subjective value to how drippy a magic’s gear is definitely doesnt sit right with me
So your entire point is based solely in spite?
Shut up and leave with that garbage.
bro its literally opinions
of course not, and i won’t act like it does, i just don’t agree with their reason for doing so
i could easily flip out the same as you, calling you ignorant, blind to the truth and refusing to accept the items as what they are, choosing instead to pretend out of your own whimsy and unacceptance of the truth just because you hold different values than me, but i haven’t until just now out of respect for civility in our discussion
you cannot accept the fact that i do not hold the same opinion as you, instead favouring the magic over the colour
you see arcanium as painted metal, i see it as magic, and you for some reason appear to hate that
All you’ve said is:
“I dun want some metamancer to use MY magic logo on their armor”
“I hat trading so no magik tradin”
That is spite.
If you can’t even see through your own bullshit I don’t know how I’m supposed to help you.
sock, as a friend, I gotta say, your takes are straight fire
as in like, dumpster garbage fire bad, please just let people wear poison arcanium even if they’re a plasma user
really don’t see how this is severely violating any lore or anything most of AO QoL isn’t canon anyway
@waping this applies to you too except I don’t know you as well sorry
my guy this topic is asking for opinions on the matter, nobody needs to force their view upon anyone else
hell there isnt even a reason to reply to others if you disagree, thats entirely pointless as its an OPINION topic
it WILL be subjective no matter what and we can clearly see how this topic is leading nowhere. its just 2 walls talking to eachother