Vetex Vortex Vertex - The Final Reckoning (The End of the Forums? Probably Not)

Nah fam

I’ve been protected by plot armor already

i’ve only got one chance at this…


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This isn’t cringey, it’s edgy

I’m only more powerful now.

doesnt matter, the whole world knows how un-kek you are.

prepare to suffer.

You should’ve narrated yourself reading the entire backstory and the lore trello

you dont even know what a cringe compilation is meant for?


its pretty epic

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: those aren’t mutually exclusive and are usually the same thing


only doing this so you youngins will learn that shit wont change if he wins.

He’s an usurper. A false satan.

Eh VVV is more of a satanic being than I am

Plus i’m not the one with intentions of destroying the universe


is what you’ve made him out to be possible?

Yeah he’s just a meme

But it’s still pretty pog

And we need to save the forums epic-ally

forums have been dead from the beginning, search it up.

i feel like i’ve had this talk before.

I would rather have a forum that’s not in a black hole.

And the duel is half way done.


uh huh…

yknow he’s already dead right?
if you just stop believing in him, he ceases to exist?

But that’s not funni meme haha

And anyways the meme has stretched on long enough and I wanted to end it with something cool.

After I close the poll, i’ll do another topic probably giving credit to the people who participated and update the Arc topic. And that’ll be the end of that.

Kinda liked the meme but it would end up in more work than I already have (Which is none but I have no sense of time management)

The End.

With a sickening crash, the second to last fighter was swallowed by Vetex Vortex Vertex. Only one remained. Drip Man.

VVV was weak at this point, and he knew he could do it. Slowly, drip man raised his disembodied hands, up into the swirling wind of the destroyed battleground. He felt, reached out to everything he could find. At once, he concentrated, deep into his mind, and with the force of a god, flicked his hands forward.

Slowly, towards the battleground, both contestants could feel a rumbling. Crashes and splashes, miles away, approaching fast. Drip man wore a triumphant smile in front of VVV, who had a look of decaying desperation. He looked forward, into walls of blue.

An ever-approaching threat, a cascading tower of blue, white, and cyan. It’s pillars and columns weaved in and out, flowing in a steady stream, up, and up. Forward, and forward. The tsunami rolled over everything like a bulldozer, flattening trees and buildings deep into the Earth. It grew larger and larger, reflecting in VVV’s eyes. Filled with terror.

He closed his eyes, impending doom approaching. Everything rumbled along both of them as the tower shook, harder and harder. VVV floated forward towards Drip Man, but that wouldn’t be his fate. The water being gave his enemy one last dark, icy glare, but one rooted in happiness and relief, whipped around, and dove into the water.

VVV waited. The ground crumbled, splitting into pieces, which, he knew, would be his same fate. below where he floated. He had never felt such a feeling of agony, of defeat. He contemplated his path so far. Where had he gone wrong. Where had his enemies joined forces, and how had he lost.

His ethereal vision blinked in and out, and he drew one last sigh before the tower succumbed to the waves, shredding violently into dust with a crack. Splashes could be heard below as concrete chunks smashed into the blankets of sea, smothering the ground below.

He could barely float. What a horrible feeling he had. It would be his last. But he was determined. He would not give up. Every atom inside him strained, for freedom and glory. He would rule the universe, he remembered. It was his destiny. He strained harder and harder against gravity, which had overcome his own. He was barely even a shell of himself after what they had done to him. He remembered, as he slowly was dragged downwards. He looked down just for a second, arms of rushing water seeming to poke out, greeting him. Grasping out for him, ready to swallow him. Into darkness.

He remembered. He remembered the filtering enabled code swallowing him into a black hole stronger than himself. He remembered the darkness that enveloped him for many days.

He remembered. He remembered the horrible things subjected upon him by a Sansue. Forced into a metal cyborg, which he could not absorb even at his fullest power. The confusion, he remembered. The pain. He was a god among mortals, but how could this “forumer”, as they call these people, contain him, a creature not even of flesh and bone, not even of blood and tears?

He remembered. Lightning struck around him, illuminating his vision painfully. The light bounced around the ocean, which was closer, closer, and closer. He remembered Vincent’s Promethean flames, scorching him in the most deep and terrible fashion. He had fallen, eaten, satisfyingly. He would be a threat no more. He remembered Eggdog’s dancing, mesmerizing. A prismatic showcase of colors were around his dance floor. How had he transported that? He would never know. But him, his style, and his dance moves had been eaten. It tasted sweet. He remembered Bob Auburn’s style, his fashion, his attitude. He had obviously learned under the eggdog. His shades casted a fate, but not of VVVs, of his own. He too had fallen.

He remembered… But no more. The water cascaded around him, blue rushing up against each piece of him, colder, colder, colder. Just the opposite of the eternal purgatory his battered and bruised soul would be heading. How had he turned this from a normal human. VVV’s mind was fuzzy as the waves consumed his warped, swirled head. How had this happened? The few trigonometry equations, formed of pure magic energy and soul of many beings, made tiny splashes into the water.

He fell deeper, and deeper. Everything was getting dark. Bubbles rose up from the few atoms he had left. He looked up, the lightning reflecting off of the surface of the lightning above, the sound of it like music, it’s loud zaps becoming low, calming hums under. How he wanted to be there, even in that lightning, as the last of him had almost finished evaporating. He looked down. How he didn’t want to be there. But it was certain.

He cursed, he cursed, he cursed, he cursed, he cursed, he cursed, he cursed, he-

Gone, vanished from reality. His exhaustion, and the running, panicking, ocean waves filled in the tiny space he had once taken up.

I won’t tell the rest folks, but our comrades returned. Everyone who helped defeat Vetex Vortex Vertex popped back like the threat of my grades at the end of a semester.

Thank you for everyone who read this far, and participated. Especially Rb1, Tobi, Sansue, Bacon_creator, SandCrab (I liked that video, sorry for missing the joke somehow), Bomba, Desired_bag, and, well, I ran out of things to say.

Vetex Vortex Vertex will not return. Felt as I was tryharding to get everyone in here anyways.

Contemplating having a short break from the forums to count up some other things I need to do, and trying to improve myself possibly. Cya around! :wave::heart:


@liu Close this so it’s climactic :sunglasses::100::fire:

requested by op