Vetex's Custom Magic Discussion

hunt emperor of the sea

Probably gave his character max stats in everything along with all awakenings and imbues

Truly is the ultimate savant

i dont think level is guaranteed to be 600 but it’ll stop increasing with the story’s end

He said yeateraday endgame lvl will be 600

vetex changes his mind all the time :person_shrugging:

Would be more reasonable if final story quest will require 600 lvl, but 1000 could become a cap lvl later.
If not and 600 lvl is cap. Then AO’s MC is one of the weakest people in the AU.

idk if i made it clear but i meant video footage xd

That… would be a lot of grinding. I mean seriously—four hundred levels past where the storyline ends? Have fun completing your build literally ~200 hours after the story ends.

That doesn’t stop people in WoM grind 10 000 lvl in 300 hours.

Less metamotherlikers and less outmaxed people.

Just because people do it doesn’t mean others will. No one and I mean NO ONE would do this considering how stupid the progression is and would be mind numbingly slow to just grind to level 1K with no story.

Nobody forces them to.

ok fair point

blox fruits proves this otherwise


Less balanced combat, more of a level disparity between players, and likely a hecking ton more RKs.

100 more than the end of the storyline, I could accept. 400 more is ridiculous.

Then I don’t understand how 600 lvl guy with amnezia is stronger than AA’s Peacekeeper which is 1000 lvl and holds Absorption Curse.

Levels aren’t canon.

Perfectionists will die anyway when they see this. Damn 600 lvl, not even 500…

If youre really that insistent with this, that means that by the end of the story, AO MC might not even have reached their max potential yet. And there’s a chance they’re still same or stronger against PK at this time (without the Curse tho)

Just cause levels are lower, doesnt meant they would be weaker.

Also, its around 600. It could even reach 700. Vetex also made the levels scale to 1000 just in case story becomes longer than originally planned.

You assume that levels in AO are a 1:1 to levels in AA. I mean, I imagine that if you take an AO level 125 player–even one without dodge reflex or any dashing–and pit them against a level 250 AA player, the AO player would win.

Also, where exactly is it stated that we’re supposed to be stronger than the Peacekeeper?

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I don’t remember it clearly, but it was probably stated by Tech.
Maybe not stronger, but atleast “equal”.