Vetex's Custom Magic Discussion


Huh. Alrighty then.

surprised this wasnt posted here yet

also ugc yayyy

Vetex casually demolishing the heavens itself

Bro Vetex thought one nuclear bomb isnā€™t enough.

Oddly Satisfying Pulsars.

In the second video i think Cataclysm has a bleed synergy, which isnā€™t undocumented in the AO wiki to my knowledge, or it could be a water synergy, itā€™s hard to tell with the pacing of the video.

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i also noticed that in the surge video, it gets a synergy after someone loses a limb from severe bleeding and gets regular bleeding

One hit from the pulsar and he loses an entire arm, gawd motherfuckin damn

The magic might have a innate synergy with limb loss bleeding, or just regular bleeding.

Cataclysm has a greatly reduced limb loss threshold, but it sometimes deals enough damage to cause a natural limb loss.

Why does vet always say ā€œTestā€ as if heā€™s doing it for very important game development purposes and not just to evaporate Ray for fun.

He just wants to give people the King Nero Caesar Treatment.

Speaking of Cataclysm, since it has a synergy with corroding (according to the wiki), it might have synergies with other heat magics like magma or plasma, maybe it could also petrify and deal obscene damage to petrified players, and then break them out of it like a heavy-weight magic? would be interesting.

Why did my quote get deleted

If you had the power to obliterate everything, wouldnā€™t you use it?

I meanā€¦if i was a game dev myself (which i am trying to be, i am just in the planning phase still), i would probably add stupidly overpowered Dev items.

vetexs mage moveset


Apocalypse Shatter Unleashed sounds metal.

What each of the spells do though? Iā€™ve already seen around 4 in clips.

bomb is blast,
bolt is beam,
roar is surge,
pulsar is pulsar,
another beam?
rise is leap,
ultimate art is 20-blast shield,
unleashed is an aura that i havent seen him use

depending on what the aura is set to, it might give ridiculous stat boosts due to magic affinities affecting aura stat boosts.

imagine if he has the old bursting aura