Vetex's Custom Magic Discussion

roblox just wants money

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Silent tower flashbacks :sob:

I thought it was normal Explosion magic for a second

should’ve done it right after killing the king smh

rubica is kind of just summer hold but instead of being the capital for magius it’s like the capital of the bronze sea

“Jarvis, unanchor everything”

Calvus’s got some competition for the biggest nuke.

That level 10k explosion guy in the corner:

Still waiting for ultimate art destruction aura

What the actual fuck.

all credit to @SuperNinjaDan1


Vetex quite literally breaking reality but still not killing ppl

He may be able to destroy islands, but he can’t destroy the obligation of social interaction

i was there it was horrifying

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I thought so…

Yk what, thanks for adding this completely needed and very helpful comment to the topic. It really improved my foruming experience.


Yn what, I think you’re right

wait who were you replying to