Vetex's Custom Magic Discussion

bro would shoot out Dawn Island-sized Shockwaves.

I mean the one that makes you explode every sec or two

bro would send out Dawn-Island sized explosions every second

they resemble shockwaves in WOM.

wasn’t it sphere explosions?

don’t think so.

tbh this looks unfair

Vetex only blasted this poor dude in self defense.

i know, but its kinda unfair that vetex can one-tap
i mean, he does look intimidating

That wasn’t a one tap, his Ult Art is a 20 blast, the guy could dodge it.

is he a mage or something

He has a Cataclysm Mage, Conjurer and Warlock file, i think he was using his Mage file in that screenshot.

i have a distinct feeling he’s gonna make a savant file (with more slots gamepass) when 2nd awakening releases

I don’t think he needs to pay for the gamepass, i think he has 6 files innately, but who knows, just speculating.

yeah whenever you make a gamepass you instantly own it unless you delete it from your inventory and rebuy it

delete from inventory
buy it
when the transaction is process it, go to another roblox tab and increase the price (X to X+50)

you just spent X on the gamepass, but since you made the gamepass you also get the profits, which is X+50

doesnt work that way, you get the money of whatever it was when you bought it times 0.7 (70%)
eg if i bought something for 100 then increased the price by 50 i wouldnt get 105 but i would get 70

wait… what happens to the other 30%?

roblox deletes it cus they have their own tax system

to prevent inflation + to get more stonks?