Vetex's Custom Magic Discussion

I guess yes, since on the screenshot he had not maxed lvl, so prob inventory was
also pretty much empty. But who knows?

use both sides of your head thats fucking shatter :sob:


Shatter is mostly known for those cracks.

iā€™m well aware of your prior statement, just adding lightning to explain the sharp edges sounds almost pointless as shatter explains it likewise?

I am talking about things which I saw, not making assumptions, if they are not needed.
Sorry if you got confused.

nvm itā€™s actually closer to the original aether lighting.
therefore itā€™s shadow aether lightning :nod:

I donā€™t think they do atm. Someone might upload them though.

vetex give everyone cataclysm if you have the balls

give everyone cataclysm magic infused arcanium dual flintlocks for april fools
but they only exist as items that are 1 level above the current max.

@Tobi @Mortal

btw tobi just a side question, are the lost magic sail patterns gonna be their official magic designs? like the apocalypse, death, and darkness sails


fr ā€¦

Ainā€™t no way blud tried telling Vetex what his magic was :sob:


Probably not, unless vet likes the symbols. Itā€™s not off the table indefinitely, but I also wouldnā€™t set any expectations.

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make a way for us to get cataclyism magic arcspheres. they look pretty cool

Patiently waiting for vetex to make a Cataclysm Iron Leg (or any) Warlock

and for the future, Headless and Techā€™s custom Mage, Conjurer, and Warlock

about to drop a video with 10+ clips, stay tuned
