Vetex's Custom Magic Discussion

we need cataclysm warlock

Heat magic doesn’t clear severe bleeding it seems

i dont think ray is gonna survive a cataclysm leg ult art man


Ray after surviving this (he has one hp left):
Tis but a scratch

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Give glass a bit weaker form of Severe Bleeding … make it unique …

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glass deserves to get nukebuffed for one update and then gutted into oblivion with testers flaming anyone that says the nerfs were too much :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


Glass is just hot sand

touch a window and tell me if it’s hot sand

It is, next question

why is vetex’s custom magic so cool?

Big boom funny ancient fusion

If you’re gonna have something exclusive to you and only you, wouldn’t you also want it to be a cut above the rest?

*melted sand

anyone else notice it has a unique magic circle?

tobi made that :goat:

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Knew it, his own magic circles has the same Design Feature

it would be so cool if one of the raid bosses in Elysium is going to be an npc variant of Vetex with this magic.
And then it drops some weapon with a weaker version of cataclysm infused in it if you manage to defeat it.


they dont know abt the upcoming burgertown magic

I was hoping vetex would add his avatar to spawn in the dark sea with a .00000000000000000001% chance as an easter egg type boss