Vetex's Custom Magic Discussion

the answer is clear

Cataclysm with max atk size when?

I wonder if your preferences have changed or not

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how can one without head, and therefore teeth, commit bloodsucking as a vampire


They have, its not even close to this anymore, but Ill give a hint. Its cold based.

I prob wont get mine for a long time though considering tech needs to get his and he does not have it yet. So Im expecting mine maybe 6months to year(s)

Sounds cool
I will be interested to see how it jump scares players in-game

something cold based?

frost metal, blizzard/storm? or some other magic that hasn’t been said/is new

Maybe it’s an absolute zero magic? 0 Kelvin?

it’s probably like aurora magic or something :person_shrugging:

He reacted
Prepare yourself to fight the freezing man guys

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mf aurora is charged particles its closer to plasma or electron :sob:

nuh uh

yuh huh

counterpoint: you smell like pee

no hes smells like fart

hes fartman


fr (post must be at least 3 characters)

clean cannon footage + upclose surge


Do the individual cannonball pulses deal additional damage to ships, or is it just a singular hit?