Vinesith | New Whip Weapon for Nimbus

Vinesith | New Whip Weapon for Nimbus
effort 5.0 4 quality 5.0 4 reasonability 5.0 3

So, yes I have been making some suggestions for a while now. What started as Vine Style now is a weapon due to its complexity and its place in the game. So yeah! Let’s go over how it works. Also M1 range increases hallelujah


The Vinesith is a dual-bladed weapon like dual swords (ofc this means it is dual-wielded).
Q - Resounding River | A simple move much like mirrored river with the change that you are tangible during the move. You will slash anyone in your path. So basically, multiple hits instead of one direct damage point. It will look very similar instead though you will have a green aura instead of a purple/grey one.
E - X-Slash | Another move borrowed from dual swords since we still want to keep it in the same weapon class and not change it completely. With this move you slash your whips downwards in an X-shape across your body essentially creating a short ranged Dual Crescents.
R - Tangled Launch | Sacrifice a lot of your energy to grow the vines outwards from your Vinesiths and perform a move that pulls your enemy towards you for every hit you do on your other moves, kind of like a temporary mode that only dissipates when you lose 15% of your current health. Dealing damage to enemies increases your energy regeneration as well (Get dual-edge sworded passive and overly-aggressive players)

Status Effect
The status effect to go along with this is called Entwined.
For every 4 times you hit an opponent, the next hit with the Vinesith will tangle them and stun them for a brief second while also throwing off their movement. Enemies can break out of this easily by using any move in their arsenal.

How tf do the Vines work?

Well basically, they don’t die because they are intertwined with your energy system. They have a host within the sword and you are just kind of… their owner ig?
They can grow in the mode by feasting off of your enemy’s energy as well so, yahoo.


This will probably be found in a chest or sum in Nimbus or a dark sea one idk
(if you can’t tell, I just want to post this)

ik the pictures of it are pretty low quality so bear with me but I think u get the point

Yeah if you have any feedback give it :palms_up_together::palms_up_together:


Fuck the what bro shut up

They didn’t make these as well as they did back in my day :older_man:


Tf u talkin bout my guy

Nahh dude :melting_face:

Ikr the one’s back then used to hit way harder :boy:t6:


Great suggestion overall, effort put into the model and skill ideas

If the weapon is sheathed does it loop and hang by the side of your waist or does it wrap around your arms like what vines do to trees?

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It wraps around your arms and I was planning on having it constantly hang from your arms like claws sorta

No just bro, I want feedback>:(

all jokes aside these are pretty cool cuz it reminds me of the good ol days :older_man:

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make it just have the unique Q skill because any weapon with a unique skill only has a Q (sunken sword + staff, vindi, triasta, halberd)

Instead of taking pictures, just use the Windows Snip (Snipping Tool App) feature. It can be accessed via searching “Snipping Tool” or using Win + Shift + S.

Would fit better as a Spirit Weapon.

I would but I actually modelled this at school lmao and we don’t have discord there

Mate we don’t even know what spirit weapons are RN :sob:

(complete sentence)

very cool

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I would but players would only have access to the mode then and that would cause an issue because they wouldn’t have any other damaging ones

i mean it would just have the unique Q, and then the other moves would be the normal dual swords moves (eg it would have resounding river and twin crescents)

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