Viper fist/style?

Viper fist/style?
effort 3.0 3 quality 3.333333333333333 3 reasonability 4.0 2

Im talking about how it works in real life. In AO pure mage can make rocks explode with single hit of sabre

yeah in real life bows take more strength to pull back.

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what if instead of eating poisonous shit/dipping your hands with poison, you get your hands REAL dirty (plunging your hands into dirt), and scrape/punch/cut opponents with your hands to inflict infections on yourself and the opponent (spread disease)

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can’t wait for the covid fighting style next update

imbue with heat magics for steam, which is otherwise exclusive to the Sunken Sword:

Possibility of upgrades giving it a more special gimmick:

Iron Leg is valid enough to be heavy basic combat with free bleed (but it works)
Boxing was just mid by design :skull:
Cannon Fist is by far the most unique. Literally nothing else in AO lets you use cannonballs to fight the humanoid NPCs
Thermo Fist is designed around hyperaggression to confound the enemy. The fire is just the reward for being aggressive.

What the actual fuck are you trying to cook? It’s rock-hard food from Breath of the Wild dawg.

bro has never played a strength build, sailor fist and thermo are very unique, cannon fist is the only truly unique one, because ranged m1, but honestly the other ones are very unique too. sailor has the seawater meter, without any seawater it’s straight up trash, and with more seawater you get more damage and I believe size. thermo is another story entirely, the burn isn’t nearly the only thing it has, and you are stupid if you think that, it’s the fastest (I think) FS RN and it’s heat meter has actual side-effects. iron leg is normal combat but slower, more size and damage, with guaranteed bleed, the styles are a lot more different than “sailor is just normal with wet effects”

You drink water to do damage. So unique!!!1!11!!

No it isn’t. Shut up. I main thermo.
All it does is burn and reward you with dealing more damages if your aggressive.
Punching the AIR to do more damage is not unique. It’s just a rage bar.


Imbuing doesn’t mean shit when they have the exact same skills. Also why steam imbuement specifically? You know you can do that with sailors too right? Hell, you can even do it with Kai’s saber if your willing enough

And yet you can’t think of how poison could get a special gimmick? But DRINKING SEA WATER, and PUNCHING FOR FIRE, Can be given a special and unique gimmick right?

That’s the purpose however thermo fist can easily be charged and it’s de charge goes down like a snail. Add it in with the fact that other skills charge it and you have yourself a fs more suited for warlocks, warlords, and even SAVANTS than for berserker.

And even then.

what the actual fuck are you and averages arguments?
When I said they did the same thing I meant MOST IF NOT ALL FIGHTING STYLES are just the same smash, crash, rushdown, shot, focus, and leap build with a chance of doing more damage, being faster, or having bigger attacks.

The gimmicks. DO NOT. WILL NOT. And NEVER WILL. Hide the fact that none of the “fs” are truly unique other than cannonball fist. Even then it still has the same types of skills, just different types of base attacks.

theres a couple of unique features you could do with a poison-focused melee

could make it so that rather than inflicting poison on your attacks (venomous), enemies nearby you get poisoned whenever you take damage (poisonous)

and how you apply poison to yourself could be played around with, such as the lower your hp the more poisonous your body becomes.

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But utter dogwater garbage :broken_heart::pensive:

I feel like another unique approach to this is that if you drink a poison/scorch/burning/sandy/bleeding potion your fists will become darker whilst having a slightly noticeable black fog effect surrounding them.

Which will cause your attacks to deal no damage but have a giant DoT effect. That way it feels like your opponent is ACTUALLY being poisoned.

Like how normal poison clouds get fucked from a single fire blast.
Weaponizing the counter yknow?

Hell, this could work as a good counter to vampirism. Seeing how that fs focuses on stealing hp. This fs can work as punishing the aggressor.

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Ok so… what if the grab allowed you to bite right into someone to inject poison/actually venom…
right into em?

i like the idea of that, the poison fs able to somewhat negate the hp regen of vampirism.

also, the combat balance doc from testers plans out the possibility of making
intensity increase DOT duration and damage.
so having a melee that would benefit more from intensity rather than power would be an interesting change of pace if this poison fs does put more emphasis on DOT rather than impact damage

though this would require the revamp of the way status effects are applied, theres an idea to make it so that you can stack/refresh them and charging a magic that clears an effect will only clear 1 stack at a time rather than clearing all stacks instantly

I might end up remaking this suggestion after it closes using all the ideas in the comments.

I literally said that. Sailor’s does that

Do note: Thermo and Sailor were added before potions. Second, the suggestion itself is… Kinda low-tier. If you wanna make it special, make the poison do something else. Slowing? Stacking poison DoT? Could work quite nicely.
You’re a hypocrite for being both a stickler and not at the exact same time. (at least with this statement that I have quoted. Your idea is decent, but a bit gimmicky for the anti-regen part)

The balance guys are literally about to make it drain in no time at all, go check the balance document. And have you even tried to PVP with it? Good luck building heat up and maintaining it when the enemy runs away to prepare their pulsar or their next hard piercing gale.

You clearly haven’t played Thermo Warlock, unlike me.
(It is gradually becoming worse with time especially due to the memory leak. Go ahead and ask Pristine about it, a guy who’s a madman at PVP and uses thermo warlock)

What is your endless fury and aimless persistence?

Isn’t this just magic?
And trust me, I tried to suggest a specialty technique for each fstyle to make them unique with my suggestor role submission.

I got shot down near instantly.
So we make do with what we get.
I dunno, maybe rare scrolls will make it better once we got the level 30 minimum ones with the Dark Sea update.

Pretty easy when crash isn’t your only method of mobility

Yeah the thermo nerfs are a bit redundant when it’s the third time in a row now but that’s a discussion for later.

Now you just sound condescending here.

Even after the jumping charge got gutted this update, using magic and fs keeps your thermo bar charged. Especially with it not going down for so long

Nope. That’s fighting styles.
Though magics are definitely similar.

So tl;dr:

I assumed that he was being ironic, but it seems an argument happened while I was gone. Guess my prediction was wrong.

Even if all the fighting styles play and do the same thing (more damage), their method of activating is at least a bit different. Sailor has some form a reload system (I am trying out sailor on another file and I might make a suggestion to rework it’s gimmick), thermo encourages aggression, iron leg has extreme enough stats that maybe it’s unique enough, cannon fist is definitely unique, and boxing isn’t that unique. I think the only way to create a truly unique fighting style is to make their abilities/techniques different in a way aside form stats or status effects.

Also I heard somewhere that Vetex hasn’t added more fighting styles because he couldn’t think of unique enough ideas (Source: i forgor :skull:). The third sentence in my first reply somewhat came from this information.

I don’t want to argue because none of you guys can keep it civil, and one of you guys is rather emotional.

oh, no I think you got it all wrong, I am on board with the idea (as long as it gets some OTHER unique factor other than poison) but I think you reacting like a godamn madman on a child games suggestion spot was a bit much, and yes they will not ever be truly unique, however they all have gimmicks that make them more than just punching and kicking with different effects other than cannon fist. the only reason that I have replied to the post at all was because of your temper tantrum.

but on the actual post, pretty good as long as it gets it’s own unique gimmicks and isn’t also garbage.

If that’s what you call reacting like a madman then Idk what to say you just dont go onto many toxic sites I guess :man_shrugging:

Not sure what point you’re trying to make here. This is literally what the suggestions calling for. Albeit the post is mainly bleak but you can still see the gimmick had potential.

the semi serious jok u took seriously

You still admitted to it being at least partially serious
That’s literally admitting defeat.

the chaos here. Can we all agree this was just a bad suggestion? Even I didn’t vote for it.

Though I would love to bite people and poison them by doing so.