Visual Upgrades to Wind Magic

Wind needs a serious visual upgrade, on both color and effects.

Currently, in World of Magic, wind magic can be either gray, red, or blue, with red and blue being warm and cold winds. Not only are they pretty dark and washed out, they’re mostly only particles instead of actual pieces, meaning that they’re hard to see in dark areas, and especially at night. Color isn’t that big of a problem if I’m being serious, I’d just like if the wind was a little brighter, and if normal wind was white instead of grey.

Now, on with the effects. Wind magic’s effects are very simple and boring, as most attacks are portrayed only by decals.

In other games on Roblox, wind is mostly depicted as solid, transparent objects. For example, this is a Muscle Augmentation move in Heroes Online: image

Now compared to the Wind Beam from WoM, I’m pretty sure we can all agree that this looks much better and fun to look at. Some of you might say that increasing the brightness of wind and making the effects solid might make some people confuse it with Snow Magic, and I have to say to you all that, Snow Magic not only drops solid puddles, but is also mostly particles and does not have the effect of pushing people back. Many other magics can benefit from visual upgrades, but I feel like Wind Magic needs a very big one.

To be honest I’m completely satisfied with Wind’s current effects.

In fact, it is one of my favorites. It actually feels like wind unlike the way wind is portrayed in other games without any solid feeling to it.



Your example looks more like sound tbh

But nah, I love the free-flowing and spiratic swirls of Wind as opposed to the uniform and wave-like structure you showed

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Only thing I’d have to say about wind is maybe improvements to the pillar effect, or maybe adding the shockwave and punchy sound it had from AA and putting it in here, otherwise I’m find with wind as is.

I’m fine with wind as it is right now ( I been using it since it was even first added )

gold and iron are the only two i think deserve the visual upgrade (for their charging specifically)

As a wind main i’m fine with winds effects tbh.

Maybe the pillar could use some adjusting but other than that wind is g o o t

…I’m pretty sure that’s the point. It’s literally wind, you aren’t supposed to see it well like glass magic.

Other than that, I personally don’t really like the example you provided at all and I’m perfectly fine with it’s current design. It’s one of my favorite things about wind.
Except the pillar. The pillar is weird but there’s reasons why it’s not a normal tornado.

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