Vitality awakening question

Currently Juggernauts, Paladins and Knights have their awakening as the same as a full build, but when spirit weapons and vitality is fully released would the awakenings be changed to something more ‘unique’ than just a full build with extra health?

(I really hope they change, my 2nd magic is earth and it sucks)

Yes, all existing and planned vitality awakenings are placeholders. They will change at full release

We can’t know for now what is planned for them, can only build theories far away from the truth. All we know is that the full release will be the third update this year, so expect the answers to come in june/july

I believe that its been said that current awakenings are not placeholders and that the 2nd awakening ones are.

knowing me, im probably just having a mandela effect moment so 50/50 im wrong.

No, you are wrong. They are definetely placeholders, and will change depending on what will be spirit weapons mechanics

I have a strong memory of vetex explicitly stating that the awakenings were set in stone for 1st and the 2nd ones were placeholders, but could be Mandela effect

Wasn’t the other way around? That the first ones are placeholders but not the second?

I always saw vitality hybrid’s first awakening as unfinished. Since when you look at every hybrid they have an imbue of some kind. So it’d make sense that vitality would eventually get some form of imbue

As for the 2nd awakening, I have no clue what vetex is gonna do for those

it wouldnt make sense to have the first awakenings, the ones that get literally added to the game on release, as placeholders if those years after release are completely set in stone and planned out
id just assume they are both subject to changes anytime even after being added

Vitality is rather unfinished, so I wouldn’t be surprised if many things even including awakenings are up for changes

Didn’t some one say that paladin first awakening will be able to imbue spirit into magic? or was it the other way round…

I think I’ve found the topic you were looking for

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