Vitality Buff!

Vitality has gotten several benefits recently, and this buff is more than welcome.

Not only does one now get more overall hp for investing in vitality, but everyone else now has less hp naturally, making you comparitively gain more more hp.
If you put in 1 point every level, you would get 11 points a level. This would keep your hp the same as if you put in 1 point every level before, but now everyone else has less hp.

This is a significant change for the vitality builds, and for those who planned to lean even further into their tanky nature, we now get 50% more defense from out items.

While some will surely still debate about if vitality will be worth if, this is positive news for us vitality builds.

Go paladins :slight_smile:

Edit: Adding some calculations for previous difference and current difference.


All these differences are between Player 1 who puts 0 points in vitality, and Player 2 ,50% of their points in vitality. All of this is made before armor.
Please be willing to point ouf if there are any big errors in my calculations.
(I think hp starts at 100, and i wasnt sure if you get your 2 points for level 1)

With a max level of 120
Player 1 has 1052 hp
Player 2 has 1409
This leaves a difference of 357

With the new change at a max level of 120,

Player 1 has 933 hp
Player 2 still has 1409
The new difference is 476

100 hp, big whoop. Sure this may seem insignificant, but this gap only grows.
Lets look at level 500

So before,

Player 1 has 4092 hp
Player 2 has 5589 hp
This leaves a difference of 1497 hp
This seems significant enough, but now

Player 1 has 3593 hp
Player 2 still keeps 5589 hp
A new difference of 1996 hp.

Significance imo

Even at a high level this will be significant, and will only raise in significance with other percentage hp buffs (such as vitality awakening or defense mode)

Go paladins :slight_smile:


I have one file left I can make into a vitality build probably paladin what magic should I pick

I gotta rethink my files bc I dont think imma be able to create one

Every build gets this boost so I’m still not doing a single vitality point


7 is (literally) an odd number. More than WoM’s 6 but idk just feels weird even if it does make sense gameplay wise

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damn i cant wait to become a god damn freak with sturdy ability


Added difference calculations at max level caps of 120 and 500

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i thought you were doing paladin on your first and then some weapon build as your second?

but i digress, i’m prob gonna do 100% warden whenever spirit weapons get added

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Absolutely based

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and unless vetex changes the awakenings for hybrid vit builds I will never be doing one

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Well that was unnecessary

Paladin winning

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Full wardens having 1892 hp at lvl 120 without any armor bonuses.


the first and third changes are more of a nerf to glass cannons and buff to defense gear than a real buff to vitality

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Wardens are absolute units. Give them a full defense build since defense bonuses are 50% better, they will just tank all the damages.

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warlock as my main, weapons second, then paladin

yeah but defense isnt damage reduction, its more health points
anyone would benefit as much from defense items

more health=greater health regen. Even with the cut during combat they still will have a lot.

which all builds will benefit from
plus regen in combat has been halved compared to wom, which is really noticeable and makes it extremely hard to stall during boss fights and such

oh ok. I’ll trust the tester.