Vitality Charge

Vertex is really teasing the vit champions


wardens are gonna look really scary and imposing

  1. very high hp, as if theyre an actual boss in the game
  2. damage reduction in awakenings, attacks wont do much
  3. unique charging animations

all they need is a way to deal damage

Ngl, I would imagine vitality charging to be something like some sort of soul siphon from the surroundings.

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All paths are gonna have a charging animation I’m pretty sure. It’s just since vit is built to sorta be a secondary stat especially on pre release (ofc wardens make that less of a case but like I said pre release is gonna be tough for them not existing and all) I’m guessing he’s working on that one first because it’s the most likely to combine with other stats.

Im excited because whatever this charge effect looks like might be what the effects of spirit weapons and such might look like.

Lets wait for someone crazy , end the game 23 times at one day and do a aweaking showcase of all magics

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Yes , right! , also IF mage will going to have a exlusive charging effect too , probably will be the second magic but lower than the main one


The normal magic charging is an exclusive charging effect too, especially at higher tiers

The dual charging won’t be a thing that happens normally, it would only happen with a gamepass
The magic charging will be the same magic charging like from before

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I mean he could release them as updates


literaly just becoming the exiled from wom

imagine if paladins/juggernauts/knights got spirit infused magic/fighting styles/weapons respectively

reminds me of going unfriendly rep so you can deal 500 damage to exiled before he agros on you

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That’s what is planned but I think that’s boring still

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wdym boring spirit magic sounds cool :sob:

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Magic infused onto spirit weapons is different
I’d rather spirit onto magic/weapon/fighting style
That’s significantly cooler imo and would be the first thing to imbue onto magic
Everything rn imbues onto weapons or fighting styles, nothing goes into magic

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I want paladins to have spirit magic

rn they just sound like worse mages.

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Ew friendly/neutral >>>

That’s what I’m saying
Rn I dislike the idea of magic imbued spirit weapons


I find it personally as a great way to help paladins make themselves feel like an actually different and unique build besides “oh just mages without a 3rd magic and slightly bulkier”

We don’t exactly know as of now what spirit things do, but spirit infused magic sounds really badass, and personally I don’t see anything wrong with it.

It’s not spirit infused magic tho, it’s magic infused spirit weapons, I would 100% make a vit hybrid if they got the former but since it’s the latter I just find them a lot more boring