Vote now or I will milk your cow

Most people on the forums know how to trade

Also who the hell did that trade bruh I need a name and Discord it’s for a project

I mean yeah any trade for 1 headless sounds possible since a ton of people did get one, but two in one trade?

My point is still trading with people in-game not everyone there uses the forums :weary:

Ok but give me their name and Discord right now

It’s for a school project

The chances are slim but not impossible, and if you don’t like that idea you could trade that strong sunken sword for more sunken pieces by trading with someone whos desperate and wants to overpay or something like that then use that profit to trade for 2 headlesses

Don’t remember :no_mouth:

Ok actually that can definitely work with two different people using the multiple sunken items you got

I need you to remember

[Also editing this comment gotta go do something]

Yea, though it’s still easier said than done, hence why I said it’s a riskier way with tons more profit.

Can’t wait to get flamed by all the experienced traders telling me this is a complete shit idea :frcryin:

Good luck with that

Now I’m leaving

Nooooooo don’t leave me to die alone

That’s what I planned from the start

I’m going to disappear like your dad

And then reappear later

But not 17 years later

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