W a n t e d!

:bangbang: If you have happen to come across this individual roaming around Please do not hesitate and let us know immediately :bangbang:


Huh, wonder what bud did.

Good art btw!

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Don’t worry, I’ve been saving several barrels worth of sea water for this exact moment.

curse user vs 1 bottle of toxic seawater in a water gun.

AVERILL AVERILL AVERILL AVERILL AVERILL AVERILL AVERILL AVERILL :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart: (complete sentence)

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Public indecency.

I’m gonna take a wild guess that you like Averill from the hit 2015 roblox game arcane adventures.

Yeah, I saw him wandering around recently.

Where? I’m not telling; fuck the Arcane Government and their corrupt shit :fire:

Anyways, was gonna say, this poster is absolutely amazing! It looks authentical as hell, and Averill’s photo looks like a candid shot - probably the only thing the AG could even fathom obtaining!
As a whole, this really feels like a set piece that could’ve been in-game back in AA.

HEY! We’re not all horrible people, just most of us.

Tehee :333

You saw him!! Gasp!
But you’re right, we ain’t snitching in this house!! :muscle:

( I also love how you pointed out the photo/drawing not looking forced, since it was very intentional, they barely managed to find him, the reporter sneaking around just to capture him, while he was just kinda idling somewhere.
He is unaware of this poster, and before he knows it It’s already printed everywhere! But since they rushed to make these, the paint job ain’t the best :sweat_smile:)

Reading this made me smile like a wee - little lad , and what an honor to hear it could have fit in the game from your eyes! I’m grateful :pray:

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The only thing I want is those abs