def Archaic Mortar, it wouldnt be exotic rarity otherwise, im guessing bro just never wants to miss his hits.
Bro would still miss like what’s the point of spread multiplier
the larger it is, the more likely it is to do damage?
the closer a ship is to the middle of where the mortar lands = more dmg dealt.
bigger spread = bigger middle
bigger middle = easier to hit in middle
didn’t knew it worked that like that.
to make an actual critique of this ship
no edward, hes not hard to get, wont take that much time, and provides free stats, not to mention him breaking you out of ravenna’s jail.
edward allows the trading of redwake crew for sailor crew, which is much better and makes up for loss of ram defense from switching from metal ram to hammerhead + more resilence.
archaic mortars arent, bad, but the misfires do hurt the ship a decent amount, and bad rng can lead to the ship fight ending quickly if you roll multiple misfires in a row vs a hostile player ship, so I reccommend large mortars instead
no lanterns or figurehead, both are cosmetic, but your ship will look kind of bland without them imo.
if you dont use sharkhunting attachments their basically cosmetic, but still makes your ship look a bit more cooler and more heavily armed imo.
strong metal ram is pretty much objectively worse than a strong hammerhead ram, does gives less ram dmg and defense and even though it gives more ram defense, ram defense isnt that valuable (and sailors gives more anyway).
sails should be brisk, ram should be hammerhead, and since your using strong maybe enchanted powerful, but it might be a bit wasteful to use a powerful scroll on a ram, so just use a strong hammerhead if you dont wanna speed a powerful on it.
all I can say for your deckhands is it upgrade to them, iI would need more on what they give to provide advice.
in conclusion, this is a L brig build.
You all still use ships?
this build is genuinely just mine but shittier
No edward
Dragonfire carronades arent that good, iron carronades are a straightup upgrade in nearly every aspect
Archaic mortars are horrible, switch those out for howitzers
Use a brisk archaic sailcloth
Redwake warriors arent a good crew, switch them out for the sailor crew
Is that a metal ram? If so switch it out for a hammerhead ram or light ram asap cuz metal rams are ass
Oh and ofc upgrade your deckhands and only use speed or turning deckhands
Overall: 2/10 build
My fish case is full, but I got no gems I crafted them all
not enough ram dmg
for real, they give ur location away, since my 1.11-1.13 pvping lanterns were the things that gave people away
I swim at 120 boat speed with inf turn and insta accelerate so I dont use boats at all in general
This is like the best one I’ve seen on this thread ngl, whats it like having so much turning speed?
tokyo drift (am currently at 101 turn speed ingame)
If there is anything I learned from battle sails (RIP, best ship game I ever played. It was even showcased in an official roblox trailer) Turning can make it easier to stern rake someone
This is basically my boat build-tanky, decent speed, good resilience, decent ram strength, and low speed for a brig